View Full Version : Special characters in title font

The Crusader of Metal
August 24th, 2011, 21:10
I really enjoy everything that has been done to better support non-English speakers in FG, but as always in software development there is just one more thing that could be done :)

And it is the font that is used for titles in Story entries, for example. All characters with accentuation like ´ ` ^ ~ ¨ default to the normal font. Is is readable but not the most nice thing to see.

So, I can edit the font and add those special characters. If I do that, is it possible for this new font to be added to FG and with so every user having this font?

August 24th, 2011, 21:33
To which ruleset are your referring to? Each ruleset defines ts own fonts.

In 4E for example the Title font (lloth) is a custom made english only charset font - I know because I made it.

You can write a simple extension to override specific fonts with your own custom ones. All you need to do is identify the font and override its definition in your extension. You can download my 4E Fonts extension as an example of an extension that overrides the 4E ruleset fonts.

The Crusader of Metal
August 24th, 2011, 21:35

But I might just do that and create the extension.

August 24th, 2011, 22:09
I think 3.5E uses the same fonts for titles as 4E so you can still reference the 4E Fonts extension for a guide.

Moon Wizard
August 30th, 2011, 21:11
I just tried this out with the 4E ruleset (no extensions), and all the special accent characters I tried were displayed without any issues (umlauts, graves, circumflex, ...).


The Crusader of Metal
August 30th, 2011, 21:19
This is what I get (on 4E):


The character displays, but it doesn't use the right font. Kinda of what happens on any program.

I created the extension using another font I had and it worked, so thanks for the suggestion DrZeuss!

August 30th, 2011, 21:31
This is what I get (on 4E):

The character displays, but it doesn't use the right font. Kinda of what happens on any program.!

When you start your 4E campaign, what ruleset version is reported in the chat window? 4.1 or something else? GenX had a recent problem with the fonts (not displaying umlauts etc) where his ruleset was stuck on v4.0.2 and the system update didn't pull down the new ruleset.

The Crusader of Metal
August 30th, 2011, 21:34
2.1 if I understood you correctly

4E v2.1 ruleset for Fantasy Grounds II. Copyright 2010 Smiteworks USA, LLC.

August 30th, 2011, 22:11
2.1 if I understood you correctly

Yes, that's correct - so you aren't seeing the same issue as GenX, where the ruleset was not updating (the ruleset contains the fonts) and using a font that wouldn't display umlauts etc correctly.