View Full Version : A couple of problem with the last version

August 21st, 2011, 23:03
A couple of (possible) bugs that affect only ruleset customization:

a) despite what was declared in the release notes, the onDragStart event is never triggered, nor is the onTokenAdded event called for each pre-existing token when an imagecontrol is created

b) in a windowclass, it is possible to call an inner script in a script tag, like in

<script file="scripts/myscript.lua" >
<script file="scripts/anotherscript.lua" />

however, when I do this in a control, I get a message saying the script cannot be found (and the script is there!).

Moon Wizard
August 28th, 2011, 09:16
The new events (onDragStart and onTokenAdded) will only be triggered if the ruleset has been set to compatibility version 2.8 in the base.xml file of the ruleset.

Nested script tags are not supported. I'm surprised that the first example works.


August 30th, 2011, 21:01
Aaahh, I see. Now I know how to use the new events :) Thank you.

As for nested script tags, the example is from the Foundation (or Foundation-3.5, I cannot remember) ruleset, and it does work!