View Full Version : NPC portraits in chat?

The Crusader of Metal
August 16th, 2011, 20:44
First of all, I want to say thank you to the developers for the last version (2.8), it is really really good! The one thing that would make me go all crazy would be having a multi-line text input for chat.

Enough about it, back to the topic. Is there a way I can add portraits to NPCs and have them show on the chat using a mod/extension or something? Even the tokens which can already be added would suffice. It'd be awesome for important and recurring characters, because I am trying to have an entry for every one of them in the Personality list. If there isn't one but it could be done, I'd appreciate if someone could direct me to some links where I could get an idea of how to start developing this mods/extensions.

I am using 3.5E BTW (just converted from d20_JPG).

Razi the Dragon
August 16th, 2011, 20:57
Multi-line text imput would be awesome, but portraits too! Kudos for the suggestion!

We both play in the same campaign, it's tiresome to write anything bigger than four lines, you WILL end up doing some redundancy or misspelling something on the way.

We've been using FG ever since the beggining, and it's more than three years now!

I think we're the ones that best use the software as it should be:

- ingame chat is used only for character speaking;
- Emote is only for emotions, like "Irthos laughs" and Acts are only for acts ("I climb the stairs")
- all offgame chat is made only in OOC;
- REALLY offgame chat is done in hamachi (weather, news, jokes, links, random things);
- our acts are (now) well done and full of details, giving an image to the scene, not some robotized action. What we do is something like "I follow him closely, keeping an eye on the trees above for those nasty spiders. Azreth goes quietly on my shoulder, his nose catching any different scents on the track ahead. As it gets darker, I put on my wolf' skin coat. The light cast by Beowulf' sword making me see farther."