View Full Version : Question on some Rulesets

Von Stalhein
August 11th, 2011, 18:40
Hi all,

I am looking to use my copy of Fantasy Grounds II to run a new campaign or two, since there are 'official' rulesets available for them: namely, d20 Modern and Iron Heroes.

However, I cannot find any screenshots of either (the one linked to for the d20 Modern ruleset gives me a 404 error!). Could someone tell me if the quality of these rulesets is any good? I looked for an official contact email address but couldn't fine one either.

Many thanks,

-- VS

Moon Wizard
August 11th, 2011, 19:13
Our official e-mail is [email protected].

For the d20 Modern and Iron Heroes rulesets, they were created several years ago, so they do not have many of the improvements made in the 3.5E and 4E rulesets. At their heart, you will still have the character sheets, combat tracker and campaign management, but not any of the automation.


Von Stalhein
August 11th, 2011, 19:29
That's good to know. Thank you for such a quick response.

Are there are any plan to update these rulesets in the future, and if so, would the upgrade be free if I purchased the ruleset now?

Many thanks,

-- VS

Moon Wizard
August 11th, 2011, 21:44
These rulesets were originally made by another company, and we purchased the rights a couple years ago. Currently, we have no plans to update the rulesets, since we have limited resources and we're focused on the big 3 RPG systems (4E, 3.5E, PFRPG).

If there was a ruleset developer who wanted to bring them up to date, we could talk about setting up a developer agreement with them for any future sales. However, given the low volume, it would have to be a developer who wanted to see these updated anyways.
