View Full Version : Apparent game calendar problem

August 10th, 2011, 02:19
There appears to be alot of adventures set in game calendar where the dm ends up not responding for a long time for whatever reason. I would like to see a timer implemented where the game must be started within (lets say for reference) a month. This would cut down on inactive dm's and get rid of the clutter and allow players and dm's who are really serious about gaming to go forward.

August 10th, 2011, 04:51
There was another thread today about voting for calendar improvements, not sure if that might be worth commenting in ?

My take is setting up an online game is hard. Settling up time dependencies amongst peers to find a game is tough enough, but online where the obligation is lower due to a reducing engagement / involvement makes it very hard.

Some sort of timeout might help the live games shine through a lot better than the inactive games, but equally some sort of acknowledgement that sometimes game planning can take a long while, and be a slow burning process trying to get a solid group together should be baked into the system. So you'd want to be careful timeouts don't sever the already limited thread of communication between such an early inception group, and reduce FG games happening.

I'd like to see more tooling (FGII or third-party) to get FG gamers linked, talking and discussing games. Forums and the calendar are OK - let's try and look for better tools / methods, rather than place limitations on the sub-optimal tools we have. That's my thoughts, anyway.

August 10th, 2011, 15:33
One thought that comes to mind is to add a link to your game in your signature on RPG boards you post to. Example below, in my sig.