View Full Version : AD&D 1st Ed. (OSRIC) Game - Wed 8:30 pm ET (GMT -5)

August 10th, 2011, 02:18
Calling all grognards! :p

I am running an old-school game using the OSRIC ruleset (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11419). We will start with Against the Cult of the Reptile God (N1).

Time: Wednesdays, 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm ET (GMT -5)
Source Material: AD&D 1st Ed. Player's Handbook or OSRIC (https://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric/)
No. of Players: 4-7
Starting Level: 1
Voice Chat: Skype

Visit the game calendar page (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=681) to sign up - I will send invites to those who responded to my previous thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15085). First session will be August 17 and will probably be mostly a test run - getting characters set up and so forth. If all goes well, however, we can get started. I do plan to run other classic modules, but you don't have to commit to anything beyond this one.

House Rules

I intend to play mostly by the book. No psionics, please. We will ignore weapon speed for spellcasting in melee and "to hit" adjustment vs. AC. Weapon specialization for fighters is allowed. Other Unearthed Arcana material will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Character Creation

Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest, assign ability scores in any order. I prefer the OSRIC method for choosing magic-user and illusionist spells (vs. the DMG, which is completely random) - choose one, roll for the other two. I enforce the ability score, class, and level restrictions as written. Note that some equipment prices are different in OSRIC vs. PHB, but you can use either one.

We will assume that the adventurers are familiar with each other. None of the PCs should be from the village in which the module is set...

(Edit: updated game information)

August 10th, 2011, 13:28
Against the Cult of the Reptile God


The border between Gran March and the Kingdom of Keoland has been a peaceful one for many years. In the western section of this frontier, the stagnant bogs and slime-coated pools of the Rushmoors occupy much of an otherwise fertile plain. To the north of the marsh, the dark recesses of the Dim Forest cause even the most stalwart travelers to think twice before entering among the tall trunks and dangling tendrils of moss.

Only a few years ago, a group of adventurers opened a small caravan track through the previously untraveled Dim Forest. This track connects the town of Hochoch with Gran March's thriving capital of Hookhill. The track cuts through a narrow finger of the forest, and traders have to take precautions against the marauding creatures there. Ogres and goblins have been reported, often in large and bloodthirst bands, and only lucky or well-armed caravans can expect to make the journey in safety.

Orlane itself was founded nearly a generation ago, when explorers from Hochoch reported that the land between the Rushmoors and the Dim Forest seemed to be extremely fertile. Soon after the arrival of the first farmers, a temple to the chaotic good goddess of agriculture, Merikka, was erected, and thus, the village of Orlane was born.

Throughout the past year, the population of Orlane has undergone a steady decline. Many farmers have packed their possessions and, for unknown reasons, migrated to other, less fertile areas. Some homes have simply been found abandoned, with food on the table or crops unharvested in the field. No explanation has ever been offered for these strange disappearances.

Your group of inexperienced but courageous adventurers has become aware of the change in Orlane through some vague rumors that have been circulating around Hochoch. Some say that a sorcerer from the Valley of the Mage has moved to the Dim Forest, and is working foul enchantments there. Others claim that the people in Orlane are being altered, and the "changeling" can be recognized by fang marks in their throats.

Now, the party makes its preparations in Hochoch, purchasing supplies before setting out for Orlane to investigate...

August 12th, 2011, 03:38
I'm jazzed :)

August 12th, 2011, 03:45
Me too, cant wait to play it has been a while.

November 9th, 2011, 18:05
In checking the calendar it looks like this game still going on, is that correct. I do not have access to a mic and see it was mentioned that the game would be played with text or voice, depending on player preferences.

November 9th, 2011, 18:22
In checking the calendar it looks like this game still going on, is that correct. I do not have access to a mic and see it was mentioned that the game would be played with text or voice, depending on player preferences.
Yes, the game is still happening every Wednesday at 8:30pm Eastern Time. We're playing a vintage AD&D module "N1 - Against the cult of the reptile god". I'm not sure how far into it & how much we have left, but we're only second level. The group is having fun, and the DM (Leozelig) is lining up other classic modules after this one. We are using voice chat over Skype to play though.

November 9th, 2011, 23:29
Yes, the game is still happening every Wednesday at 8:30pm Eastern Time. We're playing a vintage AD&D module "N1 - Against the cult of the reptile god". I'm not sure how far into it & how much we have left, but we're only second level. The group is having fun, and the DM (Leozelig) is lining up other classic modules after this one. We are using voice chat over Skype to play though. I sent him a PM hoping he'll let me lurk till I can free up time and get a mic, etc. Gonna have to read up on OSRIC too, has been a "long" time.

November 10th, 2011, 03:33
leozelig - I approve of your avatar! I commited myself to Dr. Venture for some time before it dawned on me that I had a jackass as my public personna on the boards. Dr. O would have been my next choice! Ah well...

November 10th, 2011, 05:46
Ha, thanks Dr. V... :D

Dr. Orpheus: (answering phone) Dr. Orpheus, master of mysticism.
Dr. Venture: Uh...Orpheus, it's your landlord. We're trapped in a cliché. Use your fake impossible magic to get us out of here.

leozelig - I approve of your avatar! I commited myself to Dr. Venture for some time before it dawned on me that I had a jackass as my public personna on the boards. Dr. O would have been my next choice! Ah well...

November 10th, 2011, 05:48
Saw you connect, Grey. You are welcome anytime. No mic necessary for Skype - you can still listen if you want.

Anyway, I PM'd you... :p

In checking the calendar it looks like this game still going on, is that correct. I do not have access to a mic and see it was mentioned that the game would be played with text or voice, depending on player preferences.

November 11th, 2011, 22:24
Dr. Orpheus: (answering phone) Dr. Orpheus, master of mysticism.
Dr. Venture: Uh...Orpheus, it's your landlord. We're trapped in a cliché. Use your fake impossible magic to get us out of here.
What an awesome quote! Sums up the spirit of the show perfectly.

Mad Nomad
November 17th, 2011, 01:40
Sent a PM, but since they are easy to miss, thought I'd post here too. I don't know if you are still looking for players, or even a back up or wait list player, but if so, I'd be interested in joining.


November 17th, 2011, 02:32
Thanks, dereks.

Definitely join us if you can - anytime, including tonight if you get this.


December 15th, 2011, 01:57
This is a player bump...WE NEED MORE PCs! We're about to finish up putting the boots to the Cult of the Reptile God. After that, it might be a trip to Hommlet, or perhaps the Forbidden City. There might be some Slavelords out there that need assaulting. We don't care...we'll do it. Whether you wield a sword or carry a torch, we have room in our party for you. Please provide information on next-of-kin. :)

December 15th, 2011, 14:53
Woohoo! We defeated the Naga in N1-Against the cult of the Serpent God last night. It took 4 months playing almost every week on Wednesday nights (EST/GMT-5)to get there. As MrHack wrote, the group will be starting a new AD&D 1st edition classic module after the holidays and we'll have room for some new players. There has been a lot of unreliable player drop-outs at the beginning; please be ready to commit if you join. We're using Skype voice-chat to play.

December 18th, 2011, 06:35
I'd be happy to join you guys, provided you don't mind playing with a complete newbie to pen & paper style. Even if I can't join your game until after the holidays, maybe I could sit-in for a bit of your sessions next week? I also have a 15-slot ventrilo server if need be.

December 19th, 2011, 05:08
Old Schoolers,

I am recruiting new players for our next adventure, coming in January:

T1 The Village of Hommlet

The plan is to run T1, but not the massive dungeon crawl that is T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil. As MrHack explained, there are slave pits, forbidden cities, ghost towers, and who-knows-what-else out there waiting to be explored...

Some more details:

Day: Wednesdays, open to discussion
Time: 8:30 pm ET (GMT -5), until 11:00-11:30 pm ET usually
FG Ruleset: OSRIC (free)
Voice Chat: Skype
Number of Players: 4-7 (need 1-3 more)
Starting Level: 1
Source Material: AD&D 1st Edition Players Handbook (or OSRIC), some Unearthed Arcana

You should be able to join us consistently for the duration of the adventure (a few months perhaps), with occasional absences expected.

You don't need to have the rules mastered, but you should have a basic understanding of what AD&D 1st Edition is all about. Maybe you played back in the day, or maybe you didn't but always wanted to.

We had a lot of fun with N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God, but now it's on to the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Adventure awaits!

Post here or PM me if interested...

December 19th, 2011, 08:59
Arghh, I won't have my new headset till Christmas. Will probably look at joining in after the 1st of the year if there is still room then. ;)

December 20th, 2011, 00:29
We won't be starting until mid-January at the earliest. :)

Wrapping up the current adventure, then a break for the holidays.

Arghh, I won't have my new headset till Christmas. Will probably look at joining in after the 1st of the year if there is still room then. ;)