View Full Version : Looking for Games

August 5th, 2011, 00:23
Hey all, I originally posted this in 3.5 but it seems this is the better place to do this.

I'm pretty new to FG and relatively new to 3.5 (only real experience was in videogames, but I do have the core rulesbooks). I'm looking for a pathfinder or 3.5 game to join for myself and also a game for myself and my two friends, neither of whom have any experience in 3.5 beyond videogames and none with FG, but everyone would be reading up on the PHB and watching the tutorial vids for FG before we played.

Post here or send me a PM if you've got a game running for me or are looking to DM a game for 3 people. We're all adults, respectful etc.

We're all in EST (GMT-5), and schedule wise sun-thurs, at night, would likely be the best for all of us.

August 5th, 2011, 02:55
you should look up the other thing that happened on the calander, not sure if the dms looking but we did recently lose a player so maybe he will let you join. exspecially if your a caster type

August 5th, 2011, 23:37
It's usually helpful when hunting for a game to post what kind of schedule you would be available for and what time zone you live in.

August 6th, 2011, 16:25
Made a few edits with that information

August 7th, 2011, 04:50
I have an Iron Heroes game running Friday nights at 9pm Eastern. We play using skype for voice (2hr sessions).
The game started back in April and still going.
Iron Heroes is like 3.5, but uses a token system where you do class specific things and exchange your earned tokens to do special attacks or bonuses to your dice rolls.
The campaign is low magic (like Conan) with some gunpowder (siege/ship cannons and flintlocks) No clerics, but lots of arcane sorcery.
Brokenlands Calender (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=586)