View Full Version : Sharing Modules

Hecklerus Prime
August 3rd, 2011, 01:03
I've been working on an entire campaign using only the FGII software. I've reached a point where I think it would be fun to share it with the community so others may play it, as well as possibly receive some good feedback. Before I do that, however, I have a few questions I hope someone could help me find answers to.

1) I love Google image search. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to do this, but I have a habit of searching for an image I want to use and then plugging it into my campaign. I would say 90% of my images come from either Wizards of the Coast or Paizo and the rest from user forums. I'm sure there are long legal documents on both cites explaining this question, but who wants to read that? So, quickly and simply, can I share these images with my modules as long as they are cited? Or should I skip jumping through the legal loops and leave them out?

2) One chapter in my campaign is a near word-for-word copy of a WotC Original Adventure shared on their website. Much like above, can I share this with citations or should I leave it out?

3) I'm pretty sure the answer to this one is a resounding "no" but I'll ask anyway. All of my tokens are D&D Minatures converted as Xorn shows in the video tutorials. Can I share these as well?

4) Now that the legal stuff should be fairly well covered, how do I share a module anyway? Do I just zip the folder and upload or is there a certain process I must follow?

Thanks so much for any help you can give.

August 3rd, 2011, 01:22
1) I'd recommend you to read the relevant texts, and they're often not that long (at least Paizo's Community Policy and I believe Wizard's text isn't that long either), or drop all the images.

2) Most likely a no-go. Even if something is available for free doesn't mean you can share it outside of their channels unless they give you permission to do so.

3) See 2.

4) If you have what you want in a module it's just a matter of sharing the .mod file. If you have it as a campaign, I'd recommend to export the relevant categories as a module.

My 2 cents/won/øre/etc, but I'm not a lawyer and all that.

August 3rd, 2011, 05:13
Short version: As Leonal has mentioned the answers are no, no, no

1) Regardless of what Wizard/ Paizo's texts say If you do not know the origin of the image and you do not have the original creators permission you cannot use it.

2)Citations are only for scholastic work, in non-scholastic circles they call it copyright infringement.


4)I would export it and upload it to Oberoten's Wiki.

Hecklerus Prime
August 3rd, 2011, 17:06
Well, I can't say I'm surprised. That's kind of unfortunate, since images really help tie a story together. I guess I'll remove them and add as much descriptive text as I can. One more question. Do you think it would be safe to recommend images or files? For example, can I say "I recommend using the image [name] found on the Paizo website" or "At this point I used the Original Adventure [name] found on the wizards website, modified like so"

August 4th, 2011, 09:09
Only problem then is what do you do when 7 weeks from now the files get moved or deleted?