View Full Version : 2.8 update

July 30th, 2011, 04:56
First off I have to say to the new developers, BRAVO! Good work on everything you have accomplished since taking over, thank you on behalf of my players as well as me.

Second, I've been using D20jpg forever and a day, but with the updates I'm going to swap over to the newest 3.5 rule set however in the d20jpg there is an option for the BOX, I could not find this option in the new 3.5 update, is it there and I just can’t find it, or is this in the works at least?

Finally are the short cut commands still the same, are there new ones, is there new features I have yet seen and a way I can learn about them? Perhaps even others sharing what they found to be “New” as replies to this post?

Very excited over this new update, even talking about checking out PF now as a few of my players have most of the core books. Again good job to the Dev’s, and thanks for bring this software up to date!

July 30th, 2011, 05:11
I believe that is called the Dice Tower under the options now.

Moon Wizard
July 30th, 2011, 05:13
There are lots of new features in the 3.5E Ruleset. Essentially, I took the best of the 4E and d20_JPG rulesets, and added even more.

I would suggest taking a few minutes to review the updated 3.5E manual to get some ideas. There is whole section on chat commands available, as well as options available. One of the options is called the dice tower, and replaces the old Box addon.


July 30th, 2011, 05:26
Is the import/export feature for 4e characters built into FG or do you still need an extension to perform this?

July 30th, 2011, 05:31
Excellent, the dice tower is awesome, thank you for leading me in the right direction, where can I find the updated manual? Never knew it existed.

July 30th, 2011, 05:36
in the link at the top of the page ..Library :)

July 30th, 2011, 05:37
and with that...I found the answer to my question in the manual under chat commands

July 31st, 2011, 00:20
OK...first and foremost...I am an idiot.
Now that we all know that, lets talk upgrade.
I upgraded FG2 with the UPDATE button. However last time when I then went into my 3.5 game and tried to "convert" to d20_JPG I lost my characters and it was a mess. Can you explain, in simple idiot proof language, how I now use the NEW 3.5 ruleset without losing characters or campaign info from my d20 ruleset that I have been running for several months?

Thank you immensely oh Great One!

There are lots of new features in the 3.5E Ruleset. Essentially, I took the best of the 4E and d20_JPG rulesets, and added even more.

I would suggest taking a few minutes to review the updated 3.5E manual to get some ideas. There is whole section on chat commands available, as well as options available. One of the options is called the dice tower, and replaces the old Box addon.


July 31st, 2011, 00:31
Basically you follow these steps.


July 31st, 2011, 15:58
I like to reply to myself because I talk to myself all the time. After all, no one else will.....

I did what the link said and it worked great. I also noticed, in a TEST campaign I had set up, that there was a simple link to UPGRADE to 3.5E and simply clicking that button works as well, and is much more user friendly, so MAJOR KUDOS to the developers!

The new system seems cleaner and easier to read, and has several features that are extremely worthwhile, including more info for movement (how armor and load affects it) displayed directly on the character sheets and the ability to roll common skill checks direct from the character sheet. I havent tried the new combat system but I have played in a 4e system where it was AWESOME and I suspect the same functionality now exists in 3.5E. There are also direct links to feats and abilities, so if you have Cleave as a feat you can click a button and get direct info from the library about the feat/ability. (For me it causes an XML error but I experienced the same problem in my 4e campaign where I was a player, so it is obviously something on my system that is wrong and not in the FG ruleset)

I suspect there will be a lot to cheer about and am extremely happy that the devs made a simple button for upgrading campaigns. Continuing to make things user friendly is exactly what the program needs to take the world by storm!

OK...first and foremost...I am an idiot.
Now that we all know that, lets talk upgrade.
I upgraded FG2 with the UPDATE button. However last time when I then went into my 3.5 game and tried to "convert" to d20_JPG I lost my characters and it was a mess. Can you explain, in simple idiot proof language, how I now use the NEW 3.5 ruleset without losing characters or campaign info from my d20 ruleset that I have been running for several months?

Thank you immensely oh Great One!

August 1st, 2011, 07:36
Ok I'm almost excited cause I actually found an issue! Having a patch without an issue is not fun at all :P!

Ok in the 3.5 movement, when you move the first square it counts as 10 feet and the second as 5, this is backwards according to the 3.5 rules (Rules compendium pg 95 if your curious) is this a mistake or something you've done on purpose?

Oh and the DR, effects, modifiers and auto damage are so awesome! As a DM it allows me to spend more time running the game and less time adding damage to the NPC/monsters my PC's are beating up!

Moon Wizard
August 2nd, 2011, 00:24
Got it.


August 4th, 2011, 22:04
Massive KUDOS on the 2.8 upgrade! My players and I are getting ready to sit down and savor some serious violence and we are all quite amazed at what a tremendous job the upgrade has been! Everything is much more user friendly and more intuitive. Lots of areas to customize combat, movement, etc and easy recordkeeping should make the game run much faster....meaning even MORE violence! Who could ever argue with that??

The +/- ability to expand or contract large paragraphs/sections in a campaign is the only thing I can think of at this point to make it easier from a DMs perspective.

Great job devs! May the violence live on......:D

August 5th, 2011, 18:47
I ran a game the other night and my players could see all the npc/monster stats, like toughness, etc. They couldn't see the cards they were dealt either. Only I could. Are there workarounds to these issues?