View Full Version : Specific Adventure Module question

July 26th, 2011, 19:08
I have created several adventure modules through the export feature.

If I were to zip them and then offer them for download to my players, would they be able to see the contents of the module before I share them?

(when i exported the "host" bubble was the only one selected)

Basically what i am trying to do is get the game content out without long download times.


Moon Wizard
July 27th, 2011, 02:37
If they were somewhat technical and read the forums, they could figure out that modules are essentially ZIP files containing XML data. While reading adventures in XML format would not be optimal, they could do it if they really wanted to.


July 27th, 2011, 02:54
Or they could, provided they have full/ultimate, just create a campaign and read it there.

But lets hope your players won't sneak peak unless you tell them to. :)

July 27th, 2011, 03:17
I have created several adventure modules through the export feature.

If I were to zip them and then offer them for download to my players, would they be able to see the contents of the module before I share them?

(when i exported the "host" bubble was the only one selected)

Basically what i am trying to do is get the game content out without long download times.

Are you trying to avoid long download times once playing or on the initial connection? Or, just trying to get data to the players that can be read outside of the game?

If you're trying to avoid long download times on connection: the main "big" download is the first time your players connect to your campaign - downloading the ruleset and any preloaded library modules. The information from the "Host" modules (images being the main one you share with players these modules) is not downloaded as part of this.

So, unless you have stupidly big images, players on very slow links or share a dozen images every minute, I don't think there's much efficiency in trying to get this information out to the players before the game. However, if you really want to you can load most of this data into the campaign cache used by the players (run another instance of FG on the same computer as the GM instance - connect as a player to localhost and as the GM share out the images etc you want to be in the cache), zip the cache up and make this available for the players to download somewhere - this can reduce the first download considerably.

Hope that helps and that I was understanding your issue/requirement correctly!

Moon Wizard
July 27th, 2011, 07:48
Another piece of information is that the current release version does not perform caching for tokens, which means that a lot of the initial download for any session is actually the tokens redownloading at the beginning of every session.

This will be addressed in v2.8 by the addition of token caching.
