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View Full Version : Die cheat?

July 20th, 2011, 04:05
When rolling for OB, you want a player to use "Open-ended" to allow for negative values for spectacular fumbles or really high numbers over 100 to maximize damage.

But don't players have the option to choose between rolling "1-100," "Open-ended," and "High Open-ended" for rolling? Wouldn't "smart" players realize this and choose "High Open-ended" to allow them max damage while avoiding negative rolls?

I noticed that, to the DM, all player rolls look the same; you really can't see what option they used to roll.

Am I missing something?

July 20th, 2011, 06:24
I think they can choose to open-end at the wrong time, but if they do and they actually do open-end, I believe everyone will see it, and as GM you can adjust & have them re-roll as necessary.

July 20th, 2011, 07:04
Best thing to do is log into your own game as a player and try it.

Let us know.

If you think its an issue take a screen shot.

July 20th, 2011, 16:55
A took a Printscreen but am having trouble pasting it here. I have the player screen maximized and the DM screen in a smaller window on top so I can see both.

As the Player, I had the character Durgo make a roll of each type. The results look the same in the Player screen and the DM screen in the foreground: it just displays the Character's name and the roll, but there is no indication to either which roll type was used.

The only way for the DM to catch this is to happen to notice that a 95 or above or a 5 or below was rolled, and that an automatic re-roll was not performed.

So that the DM can have one less thing to watch or worry about, I was thinking that an easy solution would be to add the roll type after the character name some variation of this:

Durgo (open-ended roll): 56
Durgo (OER): 56
Durgo (1-100): 56

What do you think?

July 20th, 2011, 18:42
You see the die result, but you also see another pair of dice rolling a 2nd (or more) time in the chat window, no?

I guess it is just a matter of personal preference. For me, the dice rolling is always a hilite of action, so I'm watching the rolls with some interest. But I also haven't been in a very busy session, where perhaps multiple players have similar dice colors. Even in C&C I have seen "multiple die rolls" when my two players have been using similar colors and happen to roll at almost the same time.

So I guess there probably should be some mechanism to, at the very least, very clearly indicate when a roll has open-ended (like making the dice or text bright red), if not also giving the GM more control over enforcing rolling rules.

July 20th, 2011, 22:02
To be fully honest if you have a player doing this they are not "smart" they are cheating and you can drop them from your campaign. It is one thing to do something out of ignorance. For example I misread the aiming rules in Savage Worlds and thought I could get the bonus to aim if I simply did not move that round (instead of making it a 2 round action). This was pointed out to me I acknowledged the error apologized and next opportunity I had I picked up the marksman edge which allowed me to do what I had been erroneously doing previously. So had I been cheating... Yes. Had I been knowingly cheating... No

Any time you get an open ended high or low roll you will get a 2nd entry into the log and on your GM screen if you suspect a player is cheating, check you logs. Warn them once if they are new to the system (example above was my 2nd session playing a character with a ranged skill to begin with) or boot them if they are a vet and you see it happen more than once in a session (anyone can slip up and make a stupid mistake occasionally)

July 26th, 2011, 11:38
This seems like a decent enough suggestion and color coding the chat output would be a very low impact way of supporting it... assuming changing those colors is not too complex...