View Full Version : Security question

June 30th, 2011, 02:34
What sort of risk does the host computer run from any viruses that might be on a player's machine? Is it possible for a virus/malware to be transmitted from the player to the host through Fantasy Grounds? Or is the only real security concern the fact that you have to open a port?

June 30th, 2011, 03:49
There is always the possibility that someone could craft a malicious jpg/ gif/png which could then exploit the rendering subsystem and grant the ability to run arbitrary code. What you have to ask in such situations is: Is it worth the effort for such a writer to do so. FG2 is a very specialized program with a limited audience compared to something like an OS family or a browser. So someone would have to either be targeting a specific individual or the application users for it to really be worth the effort.

So thats the long answer, the short one is you are not appreciably raising your risk level by hosting/ participating in a game.

Of course I would not complain if you decided to run openBSD :ninja: