View Full Version : Libraries vs. Modules

June 28th, 2011, 01:37
I'm new to FG and have worked out how to create modules, as well as skin rulesets and make minor modifications to rulesets, but I would like to make a library and have no idea of how to do it. What is the difference between Libraries and Modules and how do I go about creating one?

Moon Wizard
June 28th, 2011, 01:52
There are essentially two kinds of modules: exported modules and library modules.

The exported modules are created by using the /export command in the chat window, then making all your choices. Once the module is created and loaded into another campaign, the exported data will show up as new categories within the campaign Story, Image, NPC, Item and Encounter windows. These modules use the existing windows defined in the ruleset for those campaign groupings to display their data.

Library modules are created specifically to be separate from the campaign data. These modules are typically used for rule books, campaign settings, and reference information. The data in these modules only appears in the Library window. In most rulesets, there are unique window classes created to display library data, though they can potentially reuse the standard windowclasses.

The reality is that the difference is simply the structure in which the data is saved. The exported module data is saved in the "encounter", "image", "npc", "item" and "battle" data trees (just like the data in the campaign database), while the library module data is saved in the "library" data tree.

The best way to learn how to build a library module is to unpack an existing library module. Also, there are typically a number of "reference" type windowclasses defined in the ruleset to show library information. So, looking at the ruleset can help as well.


June 28th, 2011, 12:39
Thanks MoonWizard. I'll see if I can deconstruct the library.

June 28th, 2011, 23:49
You might find this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12948) useful too.
