View Full Version : 3.5 Adventures Looking for Players

June 27th, 2011, 22:52
I am looking to run a couple of 3.5 adventures and I am looking for some players to fill the ranks. As of right now I am looking to keep this pretty simple and not really into making a long drawn out campaign with an over arching plot. With these adventures I am creating it will be basically 80/20 dungeon crawl to roleplaying, maybe even less roleplaying.

I am trying to keep it simple. I do not have the time to create a whole back story and a campaign arch, while I am taking care of my grandmother. Recently I had to drop out of another game I was in, not knowing if I could keep up with what all I needed to do with that campaign. On the other hand I do have some limited time to create these adventure and run them, if anyone is interested in possibly a two-three session adventure.

The idea that I have right now is to look through some of my old AD&D adventures and cut them down to just the major dungeon crawling parts and then have characters go through it. I will give a small back story to the adventure so everyone is up to speed on what is happening, but not real over arching storyline. Other then that, its discovering whats in the dungeon, ruins, or castle and surviving to tell the tale.

If you have any questions please feel free to post here, or PM me. As well I will open up a game calender for all to register if they are interested.


Edit: I am just looking for interests right now. What times are good for everyone, how many times a week can you play? If you interested post below, as well, I am looking for around 4-5 players. I hope that helps.

Edit 2: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=656

June 28th, 2011, 02:29
what night and time

June 28th, 2011, 03:21
At this point I could do after 7:00pm CDT anytime of the week. But the time is flexible for me. What time are you free?

June 28th, 2011, 06:05
I'm good for perhaps a Saturday or a quick game during the week on Tuesdays

June 28th, 2011, 23:18
A temp game would work perfect for me. I can play through July and the first week of August. Aside from Thursday and Friday I'm free.

June 29th, 2011, 04:03
Is it possible for some people to play twice a week or once a week? As well Saturdays and Tuesdays are good for me, if anyone else wants to agree on one of those days.

June 29th, 2011, 07:32
i am good to play during the week. I am running my own game but still learning how to input and use the software! Crash course! I would love to play to get the logistics of it all.

[email protected]

June 29th, 2011, 15:22
hey cbps, long time no see, dont know if you remeber me, i'd be interested, anyday but tues/wed, and can only play til 10pm cst about that time i gotta race off to work, so the earlier the better.

June 29th, 2011, 16:19
I think I was running the game he dropped out of ;) ... my campaign is VERY heavy on the RP and requires 20 minutes/day of posting on the forums in addition to the FG game sessions so obviously it's not good for people who have a limited amount of time ;) .. I was sorry to see him go ! I was very impressed with his character write up and forum postings - definitely gave the impression he's be a fun DM ;) .. anyways that's my "shout out" to him ;)

I am looking to run a couple of 3.5 adventures and I am looking for some players to fill the ranks. As of right now I am looking to keep this pretty simple and not really into making a long drawn out campaign with an over arching plot. With these adventures I am creating it will be basically 80/20 dungeon crawl to roleplaying, maybe even less roleplaying.

I am trying to keep it simple. I do not have the time to create a whole back story and a campaign arch, while I am taking care of my grandmother. Recently I had to drop out of another game I was in, not knowing if I could keep up with what all I needed to do with that campaign. On the other hand I do have some limited time to create these adventure and run them, if anyone is interested in possibly a two-three session adventure.

The idea that I have right now is to look through some of my old AD&D adventures and cut them down to just the major dungeon crawling parts and then have characters go through it. I will give a small back story to the adventure so everyone is up to speed on what is happening, but not real over arching storyline. Other then that, its discovering whats in the dungeon, ruins, or castle and surviving to tell the tale.

If you have any questions please feel free to post here, or PM me. As well I will open up a game calender for all to register if they are interested.


Edit: I am just looking for interests right now. What times are good for everyone, how many times a week can you play? If you interested post below, as well, I am looking for around 4-5 players. I hope that helps.

Edit 2: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=656

June 29th, 2011, 18:44
Andrepartthree thanks for the recommendation :). As well I guess I should start reigning in all who is able to play. It looks like most people can play on Saturday. ThePirateKing, do you work on Saturday's as well? I will try to start the game around 6:00pm CDT if everyone else is in agreement. That will give everyone at least four hours to play, which should be plenty if we are just running a basic dungeon crawl.

JamesKnouse you are welcomes to join us. I have been using FGII for over three years now so I am pretty familiar with the program. With this new 2.8 update, it is a little different then what I have been used to, at least user interface parts of it, but you can come and learn from everyone there.

If you have not signed up on the calender please do so I know who is commited to playing. If something comes up and you need to drop out, don't worry, I have complied these adventures so that it wont be a problem if people have a problem showing. We should be able to finish them in one-two sessions.


Week End:
Saturday 6:00 PM CDT

Week Days:
Monday or Friday 6:00 PM CDT

If those times do not work for you speak up and we will work something out better for everyone, but if the majority of everyone can make those times I will go with what everyone else is able to do.

Again if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, or post here, or on the calender page.

June 29th, 2011, 19:47
K I'm good for Saturdays at that time. I'm also on Skype and actually prefer playing FG2 with skype voice chat. I GM my Iron Heroes game with my group over Skype chat and attend a Sunday game the same way as a player. Makes the games MUCH faster and a lot of fun. A lot easier to roleplay.
skype: richard.kurbis
Feel free to add me.

June 29th, 2011, 20:39
I'm with Magnatude on using Skype. Typing everything out is nice, but skype is very quick and easier for any newer players we may have.

As for my scheduling Saturday and Monday both work for me. Sadly Friday isn't a session I'd be able to make since I have a IRL game already in that slot.

June 29th, 2011, 23:11
Skype is fine with me, just sometimes it does get bogged down if people continue to chat on there and not play the game. :) I have had it both ways and I have had the game stall because people wanted to chat it up and now pay attention to what was going on in Fantasy Grounds.

Although I have reservations with Skype I think it will work great for what we want to do, so no big worries, I think we should use it.

I am still finalizing what adventure I want to setup for our first session. So I do not have a full understanding of what level everyone should be or what type of character restrictions, if there will be any, for everyone to take note of. I should have it finalized tonight and I will post an update here and on the calender page on the requirements for character creation will be.


Saturday and Monday at 6:00 PM CDT

Does this work for everyone that is still interested in playing?

As well is everyone able to start this Saturday or if not the following Monday?

As well we decided that we will use Skype to help move the game along a little fast so that we can complete these dungeons in one-two sessions.

If you have anymore questions PM me, post here or on the calender page.

June 30th, 2011, 03:13
Character Creation Rules:

7th Level Characters.
38 Point Buy. This adventure looks a little difficult and 38 points will give you at least two good abilities.
3.5 Core Rulebook Races + Forgotten Realms 3.0 Rulebook. There are plenty of races to choose from in those books and if I allowed you to go wild with your race then it will destroy this adventure pretty quick. If you choose a race that requires a level adjustment, make sure you add that in when creating your character.
Starting Gold: 7,200gp. Remember that this is a dungeon crawl, there might not be that many places where you can "hold up" to rest and regain spells and heal. You might need to bring extra healing potions, etc. You can use the Core Rulebooks and the Forgotten Realms book to purchase any item with your gold.
Character Classes will be also limited to the 3.5 Core Rulebook + Forgotten Realsm Rulebook.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be hosting the server soon so that everyone to join and create their character before the games starts, as well as downloading the ruleset, although most people have the d20_jpg version.

June 30th, 2011, 14:55
i tend to work alot of overtime, i about the only one in my position currently so, i cant really say which saturday nights i work or not. but if we end at 10cst im all good to go

June 30th, 2011, 15:28
Character Creation Rules:

All sounds great to me. Put up the Alias/PM it and you'll see me whenever you bring the server live.

Question though. Is this game limited to just core and FR, or am I allowed to take domains out of the SpellCompendium for example and use varients from the D20SRD?

June 30th, 2011, 16:36
Would you still have room for a dwarven fighter? I signed up on game calendar. I can make Saturday but Mondays will be tough. This Monday might be possible because of the holiday though.


June 30th, 2011, 18:11
Iyasu it easier on me to stick with the core rules books and FR campaign book for spells, race, equipment, feats, magical items, and classes. So if you do something in game that uses some obscure feat that I do not know. I would will want to read up on it, figure out what it does and then makes sure it is being applied correctly. Now do not get me wrong this is not the case for all things but it could slow down the game. To make it easier on me and to streamline the game, try to keep most if not all of your character creation to the Core Rulebooks and the FR Campaign manual. :)

Dakadin, we could use another person. It seems so far that Monday's are not that popular with most people, in being able to play. So we might just be playing on Saturdays but with the possibility of playing at another time during the week, when everyone is able to. But the party could use another fighter :).

ThePirateKing if we end up going past 10:00 for whatever reason, it is fine if you leave before. Ill make sure your character gets experience and treasure as if he was there. But then again its a short adventure, what will he use that for anyways ;).

I will post the server alias on the calender page and host the server for the next 4 hours or so if anyone wants to jump online to input their character. That will be from 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT, June 30th.

June 30th, 2011, 18:18
Some port forwarding problems with the wireless router, trying to get it fixed.

June 30th, 2011, 18:56
network should be working now

July 1st, 2011, 21:29
Opening up the server again for another 5-6 hours for people to login and download the ruleset as well as work on your character before the game starts. It should be up from 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT, July 1st.

July 3rd, 2011, 07:03
Well out first game finished with a couple of hic-ups but we finished a little behind, but that is all good. I plan on seeing this Dungeon Crawl through no matter how long it takes, if everyone else is game. I do not know what time is best for everyone to play again, but please post when you can play next. I also post the Exp and loot on the calender page for all to see and look over. I hope everyone had fun :D.

July 3rd, 2011, 14:29
Well out first game finished with a couple of hic-ups but we finished a little behind, but that is all good. I plan on seeing this Dungeon Crawl through no matter how long it takes, if everyone else is game. I do not know what time is best for everyone to play again, but please post when you can play next. I also post the Exp and loot on the calender page for all to see and look over. I hope everyone had fun :D.

I certainly did! You're obviously a experienced DM that enjoys his work. Even throws in a bit of good ol 'DM fiat' for NPCs for story. How that Bard deflected those arrows I'll never know! It'll keep me on my toes in the future. ;)

Like I said before, I'm free any days except for Thursday and Friday nights. And even with thursday I'd just be a bit late. Unemployed and no money for schoolings leaves my calandar vacant till BCT ship day lol.

July 3rd, 2011, 21:43
I had a great time also. You did a great job of running the game. I am only really available on Saturday or Sunday nights. Thanks again.

July 3rd, 2011, 23:54
Saturdays always look like the best time for me... Sunday and Friday nights I'm with other groups both as a player and a DM.

July 4th, 2011, 14:13
Understandable Magnatude I posted times for Saturday and Sunday but it looks like most people will be able to play on Saturday. As well should we look for another person to play as an arcane spell caster since we are one down in that category? If so I will look around this community and see who is able to play a couple of sessions for this dungeon crawl.

July 4th, 2011, 17:10
I am pretty sure I can find us an arcane caster to play on Saturdays. I should be able to let you know by Wednesday at the latest.

July 4th, 2011, 17:40
Ok sounds good :)

July 4th, 2011, 20:16
I have a few players, maybe they will join... I'll check

Sent some messages out, I'll let you know if any of them say "yup".

July 6th, 2011, 15:27
Any word back from your players that might be able to play an arcane caster? Trying to start finalizing the last portion of the dungeon and upload it to FGII and added some more monsters, npcs and treasure. If you survive ;).

July 6th, 2011, 20:38
A few have replied and most of them have said its during a game they are already attending or they have too many games going on.

Still hope tho...

July 6th, 2011, 21:22
The person I was thinking of said she would play.

July 6th, 2011, 22:01
Sounds awesome. Do you know of a time when she would be able to create her character on the server?

July 7th, 2011, 00:23
I also have one that says she might if it was 1 hour later than our starting time

July 7th, 2011, 02:13
Sounds good, either one can play or both :), the more help the better. I am fine to start later, since it seems most of us are able to stay till around 12:00am anyways, at least my time :). That should be plenty of time to burn through most of this adventure in the processes. In the mean time, I will be hosting the server do add more monster, npc, and dungeons. So if anyone want to join to update their character sheets, or these new players to create the characters that can. I'll know more tomorrow when I'll be opening the server.

July 7th, 2011, 15:02
I sent her links to this forum and the calendar. She should be able to make her character possibly tonight but definitely tomorrow.

July 8th, 2011, 15:29
Server will be up from 9:30AM till 1:00PM or later CDT July 8th, just depends. If anyone wants to login, add exp, add loot you can. Ill also be around to answer any questions as well.

I have not heard from your friend yet Dakadin, if you could pass along the word that the server will be open most of the day today so she can login that would be awesome. Also pass along the alias to her as well if I am not around to accept her onto the calender page so she can see it. Thanks :).

July 8th, 2011, 18:40
She just applied on the calendar as BridgetWilkerson.

She will be able to enter her character tonight probably round 6pm PST.

July 10th, 2011, 21:37
hi! I am not sure if you are still in need of an additional player since I havnŽt gone through all the previous posts in detail .. I recently moved to Seattle (WA) and should "fit" the timezone, right?!
One issue here: I moved over from Germany and thus I am not a native speaker which means that we might encounter some communication barriers here and there! If that is not too big of an issue I would like to give it a try .. for Skype IŽd have to buy a headset first though!

any chance??

July 10th, 2011, 23:07
the time is 4pm Saturdays (your time zone is the same as mine, I'm just North of you in BC)
We havent used Skype, but it is a handy tool for a lot of games using these chat/map/dice clients a lot of GM's and players use voice. At least the other 2 games I'm in we use it in every session.

I think we could use um... another cleric... lol but ask cpbs, he's the DM.

July 10th, 2011, 23:34
Like Magnatude said, it would be nice to have another cleric on board if your ok with being given a select class to play :). As well I can handle possibly one more player, I can just add a couple of more NPC's and monsters to throw everyone for a loop :). I'll send you a game calender invite so you can see what the rules are for character creation, etc.