View Full Version : Why won't my token assignments save?

June 16th, 2011, 04:20
Hi everyone,

I'm a new GM for a 4E campaign, but my tokens won't save when I assign them to monsters/characters when I close then reload my campaign. What am I doing wrong?


Moon Wizard
June 16th, 2011, 04:35
Where are you assigning the tokens?
(library reference sheet, campaign NPC sheet, combat tracker, map)

Which ruleset and version of FG are you using?


June 16th, 2011, 05:12
thanks for responding.

Using Full version, my tokens are in the token folder in the main folder, not the campaign folder. Assigning them to combat tracker, and map.

Ruleset is 4E

Hecklerus Prime
June 16th, 2011, 05:13
I'm exceedingly new (<1 day) and not very good at navigating forums, so this is the closest one I could find. I have no idea how to import tokens I've downloaded. I've got a whole bunch of tiny PNG images I'd like to add to token bags. I tried just putting them in the host/shared subfolders of the token folder and that didn't work. Is there something I'm missing or did wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hecklerus Prime
June 16th, 2011, 05:18
Nevermind, figured it out.

Moon Wizard
June 16th, 2011, 06:59

Let me make sure I understand what is going on. I'm going to throw out some information just to make sure that my assumptions are correct, and some questions to get more detail. I'm trying to narrow down the scenario, so that I can recreate and test here.

* By default, tokens are not associated with any PC or NPC. (i.e. token bag)
* When you drag a token from the token bag to a map, it creates a copy of that token on the map that is not linked to anything.
* When you drag a token from the token bag to the CT token field, it copies the image into the CT tracker record.
* When you drag a token from the CT onto the map, it creates a copy of that token that is linked to the CT entry.

Now, my questions:

* I assume that you are dragging from the token bag onto the CT entry, then from the CT entry onto the map. Is that correct?
* When you close/open the image in the same session? Do the tokens remain?
* When you close/open the image between sessions? Do the tokens remain?
* Where is the image stored? (in the images folder of the campaign or in a module)
* What version of FG are you using? (I assume the latest release v2.7.6)


June 16th, 2011, 16:30
* By default, tokens are not associated with any PC or NPC. (i.e. token bag)
* When you drag a token from the token bag to a map, it creates a copy of that token on the map that is not linked to anything.
* When you drag a token from the token bag to the CT token field, it copies the image into the CT tracker record.
* When you drag a token from the CT onto the map, it creates a copy of that token that is linked to the CT entry.

Your assumptions are correct. I have done and mastered doing all of that.

Now, my questions:

* I assume that you are dragging from the token bag onto the CT entry, then from the CT entry onto the map. Is that correct?

Yes. I have no problems with that. It links it to the CT. The issue is that my token assignments on the CT and on the NPC records don't save everytime I close and reload FG2

* When you close/open the image in the same session? Do the tokens remain?

Yes, they remain. It is only when I close a session then re-open it at a later date that my assignments are wiped clean.

* When you close/open the image between sessions? Do the tokens remain?

No. This is the issue.
* Where is the image stored? (in the images folder of the campaign or in a module)

* What version of FG are you using? (I assume the latest release v2.7.6)

Yup! Using the latest version with a Full license.

Thank you very much for you help. Much appreciated.


Moon Wizard
June 16th, 2011, 19:36
OK, closing in.

* When you say token assignments, are you talking about the tokens in the token fields on the combat tracker itself, or the tokens added to the map?

* Where are the maps stored that you are using? (from a module, or from a file in the campaign images folder)


June 16th, 2011, 23:00
* When you say token assignments, are you talking about the tokens in the token fields on the combat tracker itself, or the tokens added to the map?

The token assignments in both the combat tracker and on the NPC sheets themselves don't save. The tokens on the map, however, do for some reason.

* Where are the maps stored that you are using? (from a module, or from a file in the campaign images folder)

The maps are my own (not a module) and stored in my campaign folder under images.



Moon Wizard
June 16th, 2011, 23:25
That is bizarre. I do the CT token assignments all the time in my 4E campaign. Hmm, let's see what else I can think of to identify the issue.

* Can you try creating a new 4E campaign, create a new campaign NPC, assign a token, then close FG and reload? Do you see the same issue? Same for combat tracker? (right click to create CT entry manually)

* How are you creating your NPCs in the combat tracker? (right click menu create, drag and drop from campaign NPCs, drag and drop from Library, button in Encounter window)

* For the NPCs that you are assigning tokens to, are they from the campaign NPCs list or from the Library?

* Where are the tokens installed? (tokens/host, tokens/shared, ruleset/4E/tokens, or from a module)

I want to see if this issue is specific to that campaign, or to module tokens, or to all instances on your machine.


June 18th, 2011, 21:01
Hi moon_wizard,

I think I've solved the problem on my own... It's saving the tokens now after I fiddled a bit with the folders.

I'm not sure what I did, what it's working now.

Thank you so much for your help!
