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View Full Version : Call of Cthulhu one shots / campaign

June 7th, 2011, 17:44
Hello everyone -

I'm interested in trying to see if there is enough interest in a Call of Cthulhu campaign or series of one shot games. I currently own a Full License, so anyone who wanted to play would have to have a licensed copy of FG to be able to participate.

The setting would be the 1920's / 30's. I'm games I run tend to be more RP oriented than combat (which, of course, tends to fit with a CoC game). I also plan on setting up an internet radio session for each game session to run theme / ambiance music for those who are interested (provided it works as planned).

Game time frame would be evenings - roughly 7:30-ish US Central time. I'm initially looking at either Sunday evenings or Monday evenings - but am flexible as far as that goes depending on what the players are available for.

I am still somewhat a newb of DMing FG, so the first couple of games I would ask for some forgiveness for any blunders on my part. :P

If enough people are genuinely interested, I will start up a campaign post in the Calendar and begin to schedule game sessions.

June 7th, 2011, 19:03
been jonesin' to play COC - would be my first coc game. i pretty new to RPG's and FG in general, but i'm committed to learning. one hting i learned is that i prefer storyline/RP over combat. mondays are good for me.

June 9th, 2011, 15:57
Just a quick update - this will be, at least at first, a text based game. If there is a majority of potential players that prefer voice, then I may consider that.

I don't have access to any sort of voice server, so it would have to be something like Teamspeak or Skype if we went that route.

June 9th, 2011, 15:59
i prefer chat over voice. more immersive.

June 9th, 2011, 22:54
I would be interested, and would prefer text over voice as well.

June 9th, 2011, 22:59

Text me up real nice.

Unless we get someone who can do a really good Nyarlathotep impersonation. I imagine it should sound a little like Danny Glover's wheezing lisp.

Dr Babylon

June 10th, 2011, 16:15
Ok, I've gone ahead and created a campaign entry in the Calendar. For anyone who's interested, please go ahead and sign up - I'll be in contact with those who do for a good date to start.

For those who may not have the CoC ruleset, we can arrange a time to meet prior where we can create characters in preparation.


July 7th, 2011, 08:07
Well everybody, I have heard a crazy rumor that we still have a little space. If anyone reading this has a hankering to face madness, oblivion, otherworldly horrors beyond human reasoning, and poor automobile safety standards, we could use you.

As it stands, the game takes place in 1927. Group consists of an antiquarian book-seller, an experimental musician, a disgraced former athlete, and a misanthropic soldier (though none of these characters has any long-term plans, of course). We would be ever so happy to meet new investigators of varying skills, talents, motivations, and temperaments.

Just think: there may be a hulking, god-like aberration out there--tentacled and squamous, older than the stars and vastly unsympathetic--just waiting to extinguish your life force with casual disdain. Do you want to miss this opportunity?

Dr Babylon