View Full Version : CrossOver version

June 6th, 2011, 13:14
which version of CrossOver is more suitable for FG? I saw that there is a standard version and a "games". What are the differences?

June 6th, 2011, 13:24
I personally use Crossover Standard Edition although either the games or Pro versions should also work just fine.

I guess the answer to your question will depend upon what kind of Window applications you want to run under Crossover and what level of support you want. If you have lots of standard apps, the Standard or Pro edition should suit well. On the other hand if yoo have lots of Win games you want to play, Crossover Games would be better suited.

FGII has been working with Crossover since v8, I am running v9.0.2 however I have yet to upgrade to the the latest versions available (v10 or Impersonator).

June 6th, 2011, 15:12
I did upgrade to v10 just a few weeks ago as I have the Pro package. FG also works fine on it.


June 8th, 2011, 23:01
Hey ! Everyone I have a question I have my Mac Os X and V10.0 Cross Over.
But when I try to open the « Fantasy Ground II Demo Version », here's what appearing :

Messages de la commande :
OSX cxmessage standin was called.
Fatal Error
/Volumes/CrossOver Pro 10.0.0 Full/CrossOver.app/Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOver/share/icons/crossover.xpm
Unable to find the 'default' bottle:
bottle 'default' not found in '/Users/jadar16/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles'
bottle 'default' not found in '/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles'

Could you help me please thank you :)

June 8th, 2011, 23:02
Hey ! Everyone I have a question I have my Mac Os X and V10.0 Cross Over.
But when I try to open the « Fantasy Ground II Demo Version », here's what appearing :

Messages de la commande*:
OSX cxmessage standin was called.
Fatal Error
/Volumes/CrossOver Pro 10.0.0 Full/CrossOver.app/Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOver/share/icons/crossover.xpm
Unable to find the 'default' bottle:
bottle 'default' not found in '/Users/jadar16/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles'
bottle 'default' not found in '/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles'

Could you help me please thank you :)

Actually the real name is : FantasyGroundsII-Demo-Setup.exe :)

June 8th, 2011, 23:40
Actually the real name is : FantasyGroundsII-Demo-Setup.exe :)

OKAY made it work by installing Internet Explorer 7 :)

June 12th, 2011, 08:30
I just recently purchased a Mac for testing and development and found that it was rather easy to install using WineBottler. It seems to work fine, although I noticed that left-click on a die and hold plus right-click to add extra dice doesn't seem possible with my current mouse configuration. Other than that, it looks and runs great from what I can tell. I've yet to try connecting to a game on it though.

June 14th, 2011, 18:22
Gosh darn it! I thought the category was Cross Dressing version and I put on my high heels and miniskirt before visiting this topic......

June 19th, 2011, 22:49
OK that cross dressing comment was REALLY funny! If someone doesn't give me an LOL I am gonna be depressed for months.........

Gosh darn it! I thought the category was Cross Dressing version and I put on my high heels and miniskirt before visiting this topic......

June 19th, 2011, 22:50
lol !.......

June 20th, 2011, 19:24
I installed plain old Wine using MacPorts, all free, and FGII works great.

I have to admit that this setup is not for the faint hearted, at least you better be comfortable with using the command line. The instructions for Installing Wine on Mac OS X (https://davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/) for anyone interested in this setup

When FGII runs a few errors / warnings display in the console window, I don't know what they mean but as it all works I haven't been inclined to apply any search-fu.

I have to admit that I am strongly considering CrossOver as it appears to be a much cleaner solution and easier to install those essential Windows apps. Good to know that FGII works in the standard edition.

June 21st, 2011, 08:14
WineBottler is also free and was relatively easy to install. I'm still getting used to the Mac way of doing things. I had to Google print-screen earlier. ;)

June 22nd, 2011, 03:25
WineBottler is also free and was relatively easy to install. I'm still getting used to the Mac way of doing things. I had to Google print-screen earlier. ;)

DDavidson you will soon become an addict. First you taste the kool-aid, then next you find yourself wearing faux black turtlenecks, jeans and sandals... Oh wait! thats what I am wearing right now and I am in front of a Mac Pro with XCode 4 open :)

Welcome to the dark side.

And yes, as a matter of fact we do have cookies.

June 22nd, 2011, 15:57
@ddavidson, thanks for the heads up on WineBottler. I too am still fairly new to Mac and for some reason I either missed or forgot about WineBottler.
WineBottler is certainly a much cleaner and simpler install than my previous setup. And accessing FGII's user folders is no longer requires me to show all hidden files.

July 1st, 2011, 03:39
okay, i can instal FG2 fine via crossover. I can also install rulesets that are in .exe format. its the rolemaster and CoC rulesets that are in .msi that are giving me a headache.

any suggestions?

July 1st, 2011, 03:45
Just run them in the same bottle as your FG2 installation. Thats all it took for RMC.

MSI is an executable just like the '.exe's are.