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View Full Version : Which license to buy? (Member distribution)

June 5th, 2011, 19:30
After 10 pages of searching, it appears that this question is not commonly asked, although I find it strikingly relevant.

I plan to purchase a Full license and eventually run games as GM. Question: What percentage of active members of these forums have at least a Lite license and will be able to join my games?

I intend to look for games and for players on this site. I have noticed that many games looking for players have many applicants. Do 80% of those applicants have at least a Lite license, or are the vast majority Free users, and I will need the Ultimate license to have a good chance at recruiting players?

In short: what does the active players' license distribution on these forums look like? Approximately what percentage of players looking for games have at least a Lite license?

If that's too hard to answer, does anyone at least have experience running games on Full and/or Ultimate licenses which advertise for players on these forums? What is your general impression of the difficulty in finding registered users to join?

Thanks in advance for your observations.


June 5th, 2011, 19:56
I'd say it depends on the sort of game you're thinking of running. With a D&D game (3.5e, 4e, Pathfinder), I don't think you'll have any difficulty whatsoever. With Savage Worlds or Castles and Crusades, you'll probably still find enough players. Any indie or non-Fantasy game has to work a little harder.

In short, most people here will have at least a Lite license. The newer players, those asking questions about what FG2 is, are the ones those of us with Ultimate licenses can help. Let them try the software before they buy. The Full license should be fine.

June 5th, 2011, 21:14
I would recommend the full license. When recruiting solely on these forums, players who purchased a Lite license would probably be more dependable than players who haven't purchased a license yet. They've more than likely played some games already and should be easier to GM for. An Ultimate license would be more appropriate if you are trying to recruit people from outside the FG community and you want to be able to host the game for them without requiring them to purchase anything. These would target active gamers who simply haven't made the jump to virtual play or who are using some of the free solutions out there instead of FG.

There are a little over 10,000 Lite license holders for FG but many of them may be in existing campaigns or no longer actively playing for whatever reason.

June 5th, 2011, 21:15
If you change your mind in the future, you can always upgrade to an Ultimate for a reduced cost.

June 6th, 2011, 01:11
I will be doing D&D and possibly GURPS; nothing else. Therefore, it sounds like the Full license should be fine.

Thanks for your input, both of you!

June 10th, 2011, 03:46
Can I upgrade from the Lite to Full license?

Moon Wizard
June 10th, 2011, 09:07
Yes, you can activate the upgrade for Lite to Full from the launcher screen when you start Fantasy Grounds.
