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View Full Version : Long-time DM looking to play as a PC

May 31st, 2011, 19:21
Hello everyone.

I began my roleplaying hobby when I was first introduced to Baldur's Gate. I've since played AD&D 2nd. ed. and I've been DM'ing D&D 3rd ed., 3.5 and 4E since the beginning of the millenia. I'd really like to have a chance to play as a player too for a while!

I'm running a 4E campaign to my friends over FG every sunday so that's not a good time. But every saturday I'm available. During weeks I'm available through 6pm - 11pm Finnish (https://timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=101) time. The group I'm looking for can be from anywhere as long as my schedule meets the group's.

I prefer high roleplaying but am open for everything, even staright forward hack'n slash. I just really want to play :)

As for the ruleset, I'd prefer 4E since I own the books. I can go with 3.5 but those books I don't own anymore. I also have the the core books for d20 Modern, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Book and Vampire: The Masquerade so any of those will do. Still, I'd love to play 4E :)

If you think I'd be a perfect addition to your group, please contact me through PM or through email wathagan at gmail dot com.

EDIT: As for my character, I'm open to any role and any class. I'll adapt to your group :)
EDIT 2: Oh and if it matters, I'm 27.

June 1st, 2011, 01:38
This is totally out of left field, but you should consider joining my Monday night (for you) Deadlands group. It is different system, but you will find it easy to learn since it includes a mix of concepts that you have worked with in 2e, 3.4, and 4e. Plus you may find it creatively inspiring to try something non-fantasy for a change.

June 1st, 2011, 07:23
I have replied to you through PM.

June 1st, 2011, 13:38
I'm still available, just looking into that deadlands thingy, not sure if want to play it though.

June 2nd, 2011, 20:58
Went with Deadlands. Not available anymore.