View Full Version : Map mask not saving for clients

May 27th, 2011, 05:17
This seems to be an issue I'm having ever since the updates.

When I put a map up with a mask on it and then reveal it to players, everyone sees the revealed spaces no problem.

The next day (or the next time they connect to the server) when I try to share that map with them again, they get a full mask (they don't see the reveal spaces unless I re-unmask them by drawing the unmask tool around the area that I show as already being revealed).

Any idea why this is happening?

EDIT: Also, one of my players no longer sees the portrait of another player (I did have him delete his cache in an attempt to resolve the mask issue)

May 27th, 2011, 09:34

I'm not sure why this is happening, but I have experienced it with some of my players previously. Typically it was fixed by having the player log back in with a different username (also requiring you to release their character so they can choose them again).

May 27th, 2011, 14:14
Thanks Leonal. I'll try that on game night and see if that fixes it.

May 27th, 2011, 16:34
Also if you are updating and re-exporting your module with the map in it it will reset the mask. I like to continually update adventure modules between sessions as my players go through them. To avoid losing map mask information I will copy large maps they are going to be on a while into the main campaign so the map data and use that map copy so their progress is preserved when I re-export the adventure module. When they finish the adventure I just go into the images of the main campaign and delete the map since I have a copy of it in the adventure.

May 27th, 2011, 17:11
I'm not currently using the module system for my game. I just got FG2 and this is my first campaign I'm running.

Pretty much all the images and tokens and things that I'm using are in the campaigns/cliffcrest adventures folder in application data directory.

I understand and see the benefits of using the module system, but at this early stage of the game (we're basically doing introductory gaming in a tutorial style dungeon) I don't really have the content that would make modularizing it worth while, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm wrong and that's what's causing the problems? I would say I have about 30 or so images in the images folder and maybe 50 or 60 small tokens in the tokens folder of the campaign directory.

EDIT: I guess I should also note that I'm using the Labyrinth Lord ruleset (though house ruling it to adhere to the D&D Rules Cyclopedia). Would be really nice to have a D&D Rules Cyclopedia ruleset...hinthint.

Moon Wizard
May 27th, 2011, 23:10
Also, which updates are you referring to? What version are you running?

I'm going through a v2.8 testing cycle on the Test server right now, so I wanted to know if this was related or part of 2.7.6 or ruleset updates.


May 28th, 2011, 01:27
Also, which updates are you referring to? What version are you running?

I'm going through a v2.8 testing cycle on the Test server right now, so I wanted to know if this was related or part of 2.7.6 or ruleset updates.


Sorry, I should have indicated that I was on the most recent patch. 2.7.6. We didn't play in the interim between 2.7.5 and 2.7.6 so I couldn't say if the behaviour started after one or the other.

I tested the name change fix and that seemed to have corrected the issue. I'll keep an eye on it and make a note of any change or happening that occurs before the symptom happens again.

I'm running Windows 7 x64 using a full license. Clients that had the problem were using lite licenses and running Windows XP and Windows 7.