View Full Version : Deadlands: UK weeknight, US afternoon game

May 11th, 2011, 22:31
Hello all,

It is summer, and I'm a college instructor, so I have a weird schedule. Basically, I'm off during the days, but there is a strong chance that I will be teaching night school. As a result, I'm wondering if any of you UK players would be interested in a weeknight (starting at 6 or 7 p.m., for you) game of Deadlands. I'm likewise wondering if any of you US players are off during the day and wold like to join me for an early afternoon gaming session (probably starting at noon or 1 p.m., CDT).

Pretty much any weekday would do, but my preference would probably be for a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday game.

For those of you who haven't experienced it, Deadlands is set in the gunslinging "Old West" of the United States, but with an alternate timeline and heavy steampunk and supernatural horror elements. This is your chance to be a gunslinger, a mad scientist, or a card shark who consults with the Devil on the side. As a professional historian, native Texan, and the son of a preacher-man, I have a real feel for this game, and I can promise some exciting sessions.

I have done a tiny bit of writing for the setting--you can see my work on the free "Scare Crow" One Sheet download from Pinnacle Entertainment Group's website, although you may not want to look, since I'm thinking about maybe running that adventure to start the campaign.

Deadlands uses a slightly altered version of the Savage Worlds rule set, and I will happily take and teach new people, whether they need help with SW, Fantasy Grounds, or both. Both systems are relatively easy to pick up and a fairly intuitive once you understand some underlying concepts.

Another possibility for this game is that I would run it on Sunday afternoons, interspersed with a Necropolis game. Please post here if you are interested, or send me a PM. If I can find two people to play, that would be sufficient to carry a game.

May 12th, 2011, 06:41
I would love to play on Monday evenings (GMT+1)! :D

May 12th, 2011, 10:08
I would definitely be up for a game of this! GMT, any weeknight from 6:30pm except Fridays


May 12th, 2011, 10:29
Sounds like that's two for Monday (first come first served;) ) Game on! :D

May 12th, 2011, 11:45
Not sure if deadlands is something for me but i would generally be interested. Weeknights earliest 7:30 better 8 PM CEST (i hate timezones)

May 12th, 2011, 11:54
Can we clarify timezones? UK is currently GMT+1 and Central Europe is currently GMT+2

May 12th, 2011, 12:08
Been reading up on Deadlands myself and interested in trying it out. I am on CET time, so this should doable for me. Tuedays are better for me though.

Vires Animi

May 12th, 2011, 15:36
GMT+1 then or BST :) good ol' British Summer Time

May 13th, 2011, 00:18
Great! I'm glad to see this much interest; I wasn't sure if the timing would work or not. Plan on kicking off in two weeks. So I see one request for Monday and one for Tuesday. Which one of you can make it work?

Murgh called it first, so my tendency would be to default to Mondays.

May 13th, 2011, 07:32
GMT+1 then or BST :) good ol' British Summer Time
Just checking, as I've had more than one player turn up late/early due to daylight saving times!

Which one of you can make it work
I run games Tuesdays and Wednesdays and travel on Thursdays. Fridays might be doable, but I don't think I could guarantee making every week.

May 13th, 2011, 22:48
Wish I could make it--trying to rustle up enough interest from my regular group to run through The Flood...but unfortunately work calls. Have a great game!

May 15th, 2011, 01:24
If you still have room I'd love to get in on this. I've loved Deadlands since buying the first printing of the original. As I'm currently out of work in the US, my afternoons are free Mondays and Tuesdays. This would really lighten my weeks!

May 15th, 2011, 01:29
I'd also appreciate any suggestions on why I can't get my Deadlands player's guid to show up in FG2... I have SW3.1. It says it installs and and I have the pdf in my add-ons but no extension showing in the launcher or module/book in the character generator.

May 15th, 2011, 02:20
Absurdly, as the developer, I don't have a copy of the actual installation package (Doug ?) so I'm not sure of the layout of things.

Equally, as your just referring to the players guide, I presume you bought the player's guide package (only) which I'm guessing means you get the Player's Guide module (not the extension, which is required for GMs only)

The PDF guide is obviously just the instructions, so not actually used by FGII. The file that does need to be present is called dlr_pg.mod, and it should be in your modules folder. If there, it should appear in any ruleset that accepts "SavageWorlds" modules, which both v3.0.8 and v3.1 are programmed to do.

Assuming that's all in place, I would expect you to be able to join an existing or start a new campaign, and be able to click on the "MOD" button, and have a DLR Player's Guide show up in the module list to open (as shown in the PDF documentation). Once open, the library entry should appear, and your good to go.

Let me know if you've done all that and if it's still not working (in which case I should get hold of an installer myself and check it) and equally which confirm where in the above steps does your installation differ ?!


May 15th, 2011, 03:02
I did indeed only buy the player's guide package not the GM's package.

I do have the dlr_pg.mod file in my modules folder but it does not show up in the module launcher - only the SWEX player's guide (explorer's edition). That was there before.

Running windows 7 if it matters. I know it tends to hide things occasionally.

I do not have a modules folder under the savageworlds3 ruleset ...perhaps that was where it was supposed to go?

May 15th, 2011, 08:26
As we're looking good for a Monday game (23rd?) any pointers towards characters?

May 15th, 2011, 13:22
I am ready and willing now that I played a bit of Deadlands. 23d would be fine. Can We create our own character?

May 15th, 2011, 14:49
I can do the 23rd. Would just like a time in CET, cause I am stupid with timezones. And yes, I would like to know if I can make my own character.

Best regards

Vires Animi

May 15th, 2011, 17:25
...(probably starting at noon or 1 p.m., CDT)...
Noon CDT (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110523T12&p1=155)

1pm CDT (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20110523T13&p1=155)

May 15th, 2011, 21:14
The 23rd should be good. I'll create a Game Calendar entry.

If you want to create your own character, that is fine, but within a few limits. As a general rule, "loners" who spend all their time bucking the posse's decisions are irritating, as are psycho-killers and amoral jerks. I want to build a story, not adjudicate a comparison of gaming genitalia.

Yes, you can take "Veteran of the Weird West," but we will draw for the Hindrance as a group on the first day. If your gunslinger gets "One Arm" (and I've had that happen to a player once), you're stuck with it. And we will all relentlessly mock you. Seriously, this can be hysterical. I totally encourage taking VoWW.

I'll try to put up some story background by Tuesday, but honestly I'm not a hugely serious Marshal, so whatever you want to do is probably fine. It would be a good idea to post thoughts here, though, so that we don't end up with three people stepping on each others' archetypes. I'll try to build the story in such a way as to let everyone shine.

If anyone needs me to make a starter character for purposes of learning the system, just let me know. You can always switch down the line.

May 16th, 2011, 09:13
If you want to create your own character, that is fine, but within a few limits. As a general rule, "loners" who spend all their time bucking the posse's decisions are irritating, as are psycho-killers and amoral jerks. I want to build a story, not adjudicate a comparison of gaming genitalia.

Darn, wish I'd told my group that from the upstart. Took quite a few PC deaths to get that message home...

May 16th, 2011, 13:16
Great, can I actually create him in FG beforehand or shall I create him on paper and send him over before the Game?

May 17th, 2011, 00:17
23rd sounds good for me. I may not be back in town yet being a holiday on the 30th. I know of no other conflicts coming.

I'll get to work on a few characters. Will we start as base 0xp novices or higher up?

May 17th, 2011, 04:12
Hey, yeah, sign me up. I'd love to play.

May 18th, 2011, 12:45
Yes, you can take "Veteran of the Weird West," but we will draw for the Hindrance as a group on the first day. If your gunslinger gets "One Arm" (and I've had that happen to a player once), you're stuck with it. And we will all relentlessly mock you. Seriously, this can be hysterical. I totally encourage taking VoWW.
Not sure what you mean here? Are we going to randomly determine hindrances?

May 18th, 2011, 12:52
Not sure what you mean here? Are we going to randomly determine hindrances?

VoWW (Veteran of the Wild West) is an edge you can take.

It immediatley gives you 20XP (thus you get to start as seasoned), but you draw a card and that card tells you and the Marshal what happened to your character in the past (to get the 20XP)

All are bad some are plain nasty! :D

May 18th, 2011, 12:55
Ahhhh, thanks, should have read the rules more thoroughly!

May 18th, 2011, 23:22
Well as no one started I call dibs on the Heroic Ranger/Explorer guy with two guns ;-)

I have him actually drawn up in FG, shall I post details here or send them over to you CAPryde?

May 19th, 2011, 04:53
I was considering a priest/evil hunter.

May 19th, 2011, 05:32
Sorry for the delay, but I've finally created a Game Calendar entry (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=636). Go sign up when you get the chance.

The set-up for this game is very simple: the posse is essentially a group of friendly soldiers of fortune. You have run into each other in the course of your travels and built some friendships (especially those of you who go with Veteran of the Weird West); I leave it to you to determine the details of those relationships. Currently you find yourselves on the trail of an infamous gunman with a huge bounty on his head, but catching him is more of a long-term goal / get-rich-quick scheme than an immediate possibility. In the meantime, anything along the trail that puts some cash in your wallet, some excitement in your life, or some food in your belly is worth a look.

May 19th, 2011, 05:34
As far as creating characters, it would probably be best if I could put the server up this weekend; y'all could sign in, download the rule set, and create characters before the game. Would Friday or Saturday work?

May 19th, 2011, 06:11
Saturday for me.

May 19th, 2011, 06:47
I've got a game 1900 GMT+1 on Saturday, otherwise I'm good.

Looks like a Martial Arts dude is free :)

May 19th, 2011, 13:39
Looks like a Martial Arts dude is free :)
Or would you prefer that we were all "Gunslingers"?


Also how Good or Bad is the group, 'spose I'm looking more to the other Players than the GM here (although feel free to step in CAP ;) )

May 19th, 2011, 22:16
Well I cant but help play good guys. Not "paladin" good, but good.

May 20th, 2011, 02:08
Hiya. I put an application on the Game Calendar, if you're still looking for players. Am in the UK, so UTC+1. If there's an appropriate space, the Deadlands character I've been wanting to run is a huckster. A down-at-heel, former small-town politician type who's been forced out under a cloud (rumours of his warlockery and corruption), who is now scratching a living as a travelling gambler.

May 20th, 2011, 07:51
Getting quite a posse together :)

I have a Gunslinger, Martial Artist and Card Sharp statted up, ready to go :)

May 20th, 2011, 21:45
Going to be around for a few hours if you want to put the server up?

May 20th, 2011, 21:53
heh, by chance I am also floating around. So if you want to open now id be game to create already. My wife reminded me we have an engagement tomorrow so I am not sure when I will be available tomorrow.

May 21st, 2011, 16:55
Just curious if you were planning to put the server up Sat. and if so what time?

May 21st, 2011, 17:15
Looks like my game has been canceled, so I'll be around too.

May 21st, 2011, 18:10
The server is up. I have company this afternoon for a BBQ, so I won't be around much, but I'll leave the server up all afternoon.

May 21st, 2011, 18:10
The alias is "nosy castle scrawny cave."

May 21st, 2011, 18:23
Sweet. Connecting in.

May 21st, 2011, 21:49
CAP, your message box is full, delete some of it LOL

May 22nd, 2011, 02:01
Just noticed that. I've cleared it out again.

Glad to see that a lot of folks signed in and made characters this afternoon.

I also note that several people made back-ups, for when their initial characters get killed. I like it. I will try not to disappoint on this front...

May 22nd, 2011, 05:36
I did get the ruleset Downloaded, but had a RL Dark Heresy game to get to. Will the server be back up later?

May 22nd, 2011, 10:28
Hmmm 7 signed up... :s

May 22nd, 2011, 10:31
MB I think you are being very optimistic if you think all 7 will stay, sadly. We had 8 or nine in the Last Dl game CAP ran and on average 3-4 showed up on a given week.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:34
This game has generated a lot of interest. I had a game where 7 signed up and 7 started, true there are not 7 now, but that is partly due to there being 7 to start with. It spoilt the fun to GM and play (so I'm told) with 7...

May 22nd, 2011, 10:38
Meh, we shall see.

May 22nd, 2011, 12:06
Rules question:

Are there going to be an house rules on using Bennies on Critical failures and/or Natural Ones? I believe RAW you can use Bennies on them?

May 22nd, 2011, 13:01
This game has generated a lot of interest....

There'd be one more for this, but for the darn time zone difference *shakes fist* Darn real life! :)

May 22nd, 2011, 13:26
Do we have a fixed time yet?

May 22nd, 2011, 15:48
Several answers:

1) Server - I will put it up again this afternoon, because I need to input material to prepare for the game tomorrow. I'll post here when I put it up.

2) House Rules - Someone asked about languages, and several of our characters have mixed racial/national backgrounds (plus at least one is delusional and thinks himself the world's first white Sioux). I like this set-up, so by way of encouragement, you can take extra "starting" languages at the rate of one per Raise on your Smarts die type. So a character with d8 Smarts would know three "starting" languages. Alternatively, you can go the old d4 Knowledge route, and I will assume reasonable literacy in any language you have a d4 on, so it really isn't costing you much, since d4s only cost one point at char-gen. If people take language skills, I'll try to incorporate them into the game with some puzzles or something.

3) Group Size - I've run some games for pretty big groups (eight is the usual for conferences), so I'm not excessively worried. I teach college, so I'm used to orchestrating a lot of people at once.

4) Starting Time - I'm assuming 1 or 2 pm (my time) is best, since that would come to 6 or 7 pm, London time, and I figure people need time to get home and decompress after work ends at 5. I see that you are +1, IT; would 2/6 pm (my time/your time) be better for you, or would you be happy with 1/5?

May 22nd, 2011, 16:09
Group Size - I've run some games for pretty big groups (eight is the usual for conferences), so I'm not excessively worried. I teach college, so I'm used to orchestrating a lot of people at once.

I don't doubt that you can handle large groups, however FG is already slower than F2F and with 6+ players, it can start to get too slow (imo).

May 22nd, 2011, 20:11
CAPryde...are you sure you have those times right? I'm seeing you as CDT (-6) and Murph as 0 so that would be a 6 hour diff not 5. So 1-2pm for you would be 7-8pm for UK. Correct?

ImaTarget is +1 so that's 8-9 pm for him.

May 22nd, 2011, 20:14
Server is up for the moment.

May 22nd, 2011, 20:17
Good catch on the timezones; I just checked it with worldtimebuddy. So would noon be the time to start, then? That would be six for UK folks and seven for IT.

EDIT: IT asked if we could start later; he doesn't get home from work until right at 7 pm. I'm bumping it back half an hour.

May 22nd, 2011, 20:22
One other issue: I typically use Ventrilo for voice chat (I have a server). Is that a problem for anyone?

May 23rd, 2011, 06:59
One other issue: I typically use Ventrilo for voice chat (I have a server). Is that a problem for anyone?
Downloading now. Might not be able to talk, but should be able to listen.

May 23rd, 2011, 18:26
The server is up.

May 23rd, 2011, 21:55
Good session (apart from my two drop outs :( ) thanks :)

May 24th, 2011, 01:11
Glad you enjoyed it. Next week should be a bit more shooting and a bit less yakking.

May 24th, 2011, 04:58
Murgh, you still worried about the number of players?

May 24th, 2011, 07:06
I was never "worried", however yes my points are still valid (to me).

Luckily the group gelled quite well (can be so hit and miss with online games), which helped to move things along.

btw, what happened to all the outlaws, with my 2 drop outs, I missed their fate?

May 24th, 2011, 07:17
I think there were 7 + The leader (phillip IIRC) two got dropped, I made an example out of the leader of how I do not like my train rides to go and picked up 8 sticks of his dynamite. The other 5 are as yet unaccounted for.

So the situations basically:
1 just out of hibernation, broke out of a box spider critter in the woods
5 bandits, some of whom have dynamite still and who were told to run by their leader before I shot him while he tried to flee.
The other passengers made it out safe, but none of the train crew did. The remnants of the crew are buried thanks to our good Rev and Doc Hollandaise. Camp has been set up and we are working on 2 hour shifts with a 15 minute overlap on each side.

Oh, and the makeshift camp's fear level is a 0 currently.

I think that covers everything (and way more than you asked about)

May 24th, 2011, 08:09
Great situation summary! Looking forward to next Week. I must admit that I am really impressed how well you all roleplay, it is a bit intimidating sometimes. :-) Once we all hit a stride the games should be really awesome. I am learning a lot.

I should also disclose that I have played this adventure already once, so I try to keep quiet mostly and stand back.

May 24th, 2011, 13:42
One of the things the good Father will be bound and determined to do once things have calmed down will be to see if Lee Wu is mute or just doesn't speak English (though he seems to understand it just fine :) )

May 24th, 2011, 17:10
NOTE TO THE WISE: Beware of mad scientists with two mules during allergy season.

May 24th, 2011, 17:48
Things move a little bit more slowly with a big group, but I felt like it worked pretty well, mostly because everyone did a good job of involving themselves in the story without stepping on each other's toes. So, good job on that. I really appreciated it.

We should have a more exciting battle in the next session, which I'm looking forward to. I think that even you might be surprised, IT, since I'm planning to change things up a little bit to give us more of a challenge. ;)

May 24th, 2011, 18:08
Thanks for the report RKB :)

One of the things the good Father will be bound and determined to do once things have calmed down will be to see if Lee Wu is mute or just doesn't speak English (though he seems to understand it just fine :) )
Lee Wu gives an exaggerated look of horror at the thought of being the target of the Fathers scrutiny...

May 25th, 2011, 06:07
Somehow I feel like I am missing something, whats with all these Mule references? Was wondering already during play. Old game Insider joke?

May 25th, 2011, 06:47
No reason you would know about it. BK made a back-up character (not Mallia, whom he is currently playing) that is a Mad Scientist. He has a mule loaded down with enough nitro/explosives to leave a very large smoking crater in the ground.

So that might be an argument to keep Mallia alive, given the opportunity.

May 25th, 2011, 16:43
Heck, right now I want to keep her alive just because she seems to be a natural born sniper :bandit:

May 26th, 2011, 01:08
I calculated the blast radius at 120ft or so :) I have 3 back up characters though.

Jonny Tenebrous
May 27th, 2011, 02:44
"Howdy, fellas"... (ironic, 'cause that's generally how I greet people - makes for an instant point of conversation here in England, lol). Anyhow, yes... I know you're pretty full up at the moment, but I hope you'll consider taking me on as another regular player. I'm a "mature and experienced" roleplayer - even ran my own full FGII campaign last summer/autumn (4E Dark Sun). I have the appropriate player guides for this game, so I should be able to catch up quickly. I mentioned earlier that I live in the UK, so the Monday evening time works great for me. As it happens, I'm originally from the wild west (grew up in the Rockies of Montana), so roleplaying in an alt-western should be interesting now that I've traded "Vigilante Day" for "St. George's Day".

I've registered on your game calendar a medic type character, since I didn't see any other players obviously filling that roll. His name's Holt "Tourniquet" Taylor and I envision him as an ex-military surgeon. He's the sort that might've travelled west after the American Civil War (or game equivalent) - has seen some gruesome sights, can perform stomach-wrenching procedures with little aid aside from a bottle of the hard stuff, and is no stranger to using a firearm - against an adversary or a comrade beyond repair. I won't saddle you with too many details at this point.

Looking forward to hearing from 'ya.

P.S. - I have some solid ideas for other characters, so if you're needing something else, I can accommodate.

May 27th, 2011, 04:04
I'm happy for you to join us. One of our players from last week is not going to be a regular (he had warned me in advance of this) owing to schedule conflicts, so you can jump in.

Jonny Tenebrous
May 27th, 2011, 14:31
Great stuff - look forward to starting on Monday! Just to be clear - the Deadlands Player Guide FGII module is not an absolute requirement, correct? I have the offline material, and will look into getting the FGII module in due course... but there will be no limitations in joining aside from having to manually enter player data if I'm not mistaken?

Off to pour over the books,

May 28th, 2011, 00:09
You're right Jonny, there's no need to purchase anything to play. Quite surprisingly, this makes three players in the Westcountry so far.

May 28th, 2011, 09:08
Westcountry Players in the Wild/Weird West :)

May 29th, 2011, 12:17
Don't talk to me about the Weird West, I used to live in Looe.

May 29th, 2011, 15:08
How "weird" is that, I've just turned the computer on after a trip to Looe! :eek:

May 29th, 2011, 15:14
if you are not from at least the Crim Rocks, you are from the East ;)
(For the Americans in the group, Crim Rocks is the westernmost point in England.)

I personally was raised to think you had to get to Fort Worth before you were in the "West" as Dallas was in the "East" Or in Plano (my hometown) you had to get past Highway 75 (I45 for CAP) to be west ANd I have a friend in Juno that claims he is in the east, much like families it is all relative.

May 30th, 2011, 05:38
It might also help you to know, Jonny, that we use Ventrilo for voice-chat, so downloading the client for your computer would speed things up.

Jonny Tenebrous
May 30th, 2011, 19:03
Yeah, I already have Ventrilo installed. Say it's 6:45 pm in the UK now, so I'm trying to connect to download all the server files in time and set up the character sheet... it's not connecting, so if your server is not up, I need to troubleshoot the connection. Also , I might be blind, but I can't find the ventrilo server details in this thread or on the calendar.... feeling a bit rushed now :/ .

Jonny Tenebrous
May 30th, 2011, 19:40
Alright, now I'm thoroughly confused - is this thing happening at some point today or what? It's nearly half-an-hour past the start time listed on the calendar and I'm still unable to connect to the server. Please, somebody put me out of my misery and let me know what's going on.

May 30th, 2011, 20:10
we are already online?

Jonny Tenebrous
May 30th, 2011, 20:12
No we're not, and that's what I'm asking after. When are you *expecting* to be online?

May 30th, 2011, 20:13
we are, we are playing right now. Try to type in the codewords instead of copying them. copy never works for me.

Jonny Tenebrous
May 30th, 2011, 20:17
Oh hell - seriously, I can't even believe that! Yep, that fixed it. Any word on Ventrilo server details while downloading the server files?

May 30th, 2011, 20:23
PM sent mate!

May 30th, 2011, 23:10
Previously on "Mallia Chronicles - Deadlands: the Wanderer" (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showpost.php?p=108792&postcount=67).

It was dangerous out there, in the foot hills of the Rockies. The next station was only a couple of hours by train, except we had no train. What we had was a broken wreck on an exploded track an hour past where Jesus lost his sandals, three hours past some giant pyramids, slap dab in the middle of no and where. Oh... and it started snowing.

We started out with a crew of 7, 4 of them headed up the tracks before nightfall and it remained for the three of us Coyote Wagner, Father Gabrieli and myself to guard the lesser inlined folks till the others could get another train and come back for them. God had smiled on is even this viaduct of our trials however as the trains mess wagon was more or less in tact and we were able to find sufficient supplies and fire materiel for the night and a bit beyond. With only the three of us we decided to wait out three and a half hour shifts giving plenty of tine for every one to rest.

With the others snug as bug in a navajo's horse blanket, I took my roll to the top of the train to wait out first watch, after all a girl has got to have her beauty sleep. Things were fine as the snow fell harder and the sun set, we were encapsulated in a thick darkness of no moon and less light such that the stars were not visible even to the owls. The first part of my watch went fine, silence darkness and more silence. Then through the enshrouding weather came a sound, a sound from down the tracks where we had laid the dead crew. A scratching and digging sound, a sound of the dead being violated. I tried to think back to the stories my mother had told me of her mother's lands, of the dead walking and the sounds they made. I thought back to the stories of the blood drinkers and revilers of the souls she came to this land to escape, I woke the others without leaving my post by tapping with my foot on the window beneath me.

The others roused, our own Coyote assured me it was nothing more than his namesake or another natural beast taking advantage of an easy meal. I was not quite so certain, but was not in the position to go and immediately sate my growing curiosity. Coyote took the next watch and heard similar sounds coming from where the two dead bandits and their leader lay unburied except for the newly fallen snow. Father Gabrieli then took his turn at the watch while I stayed bedded down with the other women and children as we gathered together like sheep for warmth.

Coyote awoke in the morning to the smell of something acrid and burning, he woke me careful not to rouse the others, but as it turns out there was no knead for immediate fear, the good Father had started a pot of coffee and it had simply gone dry on the heat of the stovetop. Unfortunately it seems that the good father had started it and never consumed even a bit as when we joined him on the top of the railcar he was in that twilight state of wakefulness, not asleep, but not truly awake either.

The night over, and help we believed to be relatively close by we converted what we had available in to quite a "tasty breakfast" whereby we were all energized and refreshed. Courage found, the father, Coyote and I went to check on the sounds I had heard the previous night. The graves had been violated! I was certain the dead walked, but Coyote once again pointed out the truth of things and showed how the graves had been violated from above and not beneath. Indeed something had taken the dead and drug them off in to the trees where the spider like creature had escaped to the previous day. Feeling that we could not leave so dangerous a creature behind especially one out of its native environment, we opted to follow the tracks into the woods.

Initially, the going was difficult. Once we penetrated far enough into the tree line for the snow to be less covering, the difficulty eased however. As the other two were on foot, I staked my pony back at the tree line and took my saddle bag as we headed up a small gorge the tracks lead us to. Coming to the peak of the trail the woods opened before us. We could see across a small plain what seemed to be an artificial cave or mine opening. As the two gentlemen decided to approach from opposite sides I decided to stay back and use my faithful rifle "Invhiyu Ganuga" (far tongue) to cover their approach to wards the cave mouth. All seemed to be going well until...

Father Gabrieli stepped on a tree branch which broke with a loud crack. As the sound resounded across our small snow covered world the snow itself stirred. He was grasped at by the hand of what used to be the conductor. Malo Opre! Malo Phirindor! The dead, they rise, The dead they walk.

May 31st, 2011, 18:42
I realized this morning that I'm going to be out next week on a business trip (leaving Friday, back on Wednesday). Would y'all be interested in playing on Thursday afternoon, either this week or next week? Otherwise, we can just put it off for one week.

May 31st, 2011, 20:46
I would be game for a Thursday Afternoon Session, just let me know. Right now I just got back from Atlanta and it is time to take a well deserved nap (no AC 150 mile rd trip :( )

May 31st, 2011, 22:57
Thursdays are not good :-( This week might work, depending if we visit the in laws. Don't know that yet. Next week I do not have time Thursday.

June 1st, 2011, 01:35
I put up a Thursday entry on the Game Calendar, so people can vote.

June 1st, 2011, 04:26
Thursday depends. I would be good for the first hour but then would need to go pick up the boy from school. Half-hour earlier would let me make most of the game.

All of this depends on one thing. I may finally get called back to work and would start Thursday. I'll find out more about that tomorrow. If so I'll have to drop out, unfortunate, but for the best of reasons. (Unless you all would be up for moving games to Sunday)

Well I'll find out tomorrow and get back to you.

June 1st, 2011, 14:35
Backing up the game half an hour is fine with me, if it turns out that you can make it. But no need to apologize if you get called back to work. That is unquestionably a cause for celebration!

And if you are interested in a Sunday game, I've got a deal for you: I'm running a once- or twice-a-month Necropolis game on Sundays that also falls into the US-afternoon, UK/Europe-evening time slot. Feel free to put in a request on the Game Calendar. I'll probably be scheduling the next session for two weeks away. The first one was a blast (literally, since it's a military setting with artillery and hand grenades).

June 1st, 2011, 16:47
So not going back to work just yet....maybe sometime this month though.

So I'm good for most of Thursday session if we do it.

I'll think about the Necropolis offer. I know nothing of that setting but I'm having such a good time with this one I'll definetaly consider it.

June 1st, 2011, 18:12
Glad you can make it tomorrow. I bumped back the Game Calendar entry, and I'll try to plan our time usage accordingly. Hopefully the job situation gets sorted out soon.

June 2nd, 2011, 18:32
Server is up. New player joining us this week, so we should be three.

June 2nd, 2011, 21:13
I really enjoyed the first session and you can expect me to be in for the long haul :)

June 2nd, 2011, 21:16
Sorry I could not make it :-(

June 2nd, 2011, 23:01
You may be sorry Ima but Gunther would likely be glad...at least he didn't get to be implanted by a giant spider thing like the Father did. Missed having ya though)

June 2nd, 2011, 23:46
You may be sorry Ima but Gunther would likely be glad...at least he didn't get to be implanted by a giant spider thing like the Father did. Missed having ya though)

Oh but didn't you catch that Jermaine saved you from implantation by his remarkable knife-handling abilities. You now have a nice scar reminding you of what could have happened.

June 3rd, 2011, 02:36
Sound to me like he got implanted, you all just managed to save him before it grew and went all Alien style gut-busting on him.

The good Father is mighty grateful regardless.

June 3rd, 2011, 07:07
Because we have some irregular players and because Mallia is the "Tale Teller" of the group, CAP has assigned me to journal our adventures. Rather than keep updating this thread and having people work their way through it, The Mallia Chronicles: "Deadlands: the Wanderer" (https://malliachronicles.blogspot.com/) was set up.

Any further updates to a narrative of the game will be posted there. If I missed something your character did, if your character did something I was unaware of, or if I just screwed up, feel free to comment on the blog or PM me. I will generally not approve comments, but will instead incorporate them into the narrative.

This weekend I will finish up Session 2 and begin re writing session 1 (that entry was originally a quick reply to someone in this thread and not meant as a narrative) Session 3 should be up early next week, so that anyone rejoining in the 4th session should be up to date.

June 13th, 2011, 02:59
This question has come up a few times already. So here is your dose of reality:
An Army pack mule rates at ~160 Lbs and still be able to cross 26 miles a day maxing out at 350 Lbs but with a vastly reduced distance.

In general mules are smarter than horses, can weigh up to 1000 Lbs and have better attitudes, except towards dogs. Mules are more patient than horses but do recognize danger and will typically not let its owner place it directly in danger. SO if you need to shoot from behind an animal, make it a horse and not a mule. In this same vein, mules can attack with their hooves in any direction including sideways and their hooves are harder and denser than horses. One last thing about Mules. The males are sterile, the females are not.

As for horses the same basic rules apply:
A Horse (or any equine) is able to carry 20% of its body weight in dead weight (packed materials) or 30% of its weight in "Live" weight (a rider) and be able to cover full distances a day (26 miles)
Riding horses weigh in at approximately 1000-1200 LBS and so can carry 200-240Lbs as pack animals at their max, or carry a rider and gear weighing 300-360 Lbs however you should multiply the weight of the gear by 1.5 to adjust for its being "dead" weight

Heavy/ Draft/ War horses weigh in at 1,500 to 2,200 Lbs and so can carry 300-500 Lbs of dead weight or 450-600Lbs of live weight.

Jonny Tenebrous
June 13th, 2011, 22:36
Aw, sonuva - completely spaced tonight's game until well into it (that's not usual for me, thankfully). Got thrown off by last week's odd schedule. Sadly, I can almost never do Thursday nights because I have wargaming that evening. Well, **** - apologies for being a space cadet this week! Hope to get properly on track with the campaign next Monday!

June 14th, 2011, 17:20
It's no problem; everyone misses sessions from time to time. You'll catch up with the posse just in time for the shooting to start. Also, you should be aware that word got around about bounty hunters in the area on the trail of an army deserter. They didn't say who, though, and I'm leaving it ambiguous on purpose, before you ask.

June 20th, 2011, 13:14
Sudden schedule change, can't make it tonight :/

Jonny Tenebrous
June 20th, 2011, 17:51
I put it on my calendar though, ftw! See y'all soon!

June 20th, 2011, 18:04
Jonny AKA Holt "Tourniquet" Taylor, can you PM me your description and any other public info ASAP. You are a Runaway Union Soldier right? What was your rank? Also remember the game is in 1 hour :)

Jonny Tenebrous
June 20th, 2011, 18:20
Jonny AKA Holt "Tourniquet" Taylor, can you PM me your description and any other public info ASAP. You are a Runaway Union Soldier right? What was your rank? Also remember the game is in 1 hour :)
That's not an accurate statement, and I'll thank you to not be spreading such rumours around. PM you soon.

June 20th, 2011, 18:26
That's not an accurate statement, and I'll thank you to not be spreading such rumours around. PM you soon.
ROFL I made no statements as to your background, just asking questions.

Jonny Tenebrous
June 20th, 2011, 18:28
Lol - questions like that will get you a real personal answer as to why some folk call me "Tourniquet".

June 20th, 2011, 18:38
Lol - questions like that will get you a real personal answer as to why some folk call me "Tourniquet".
Yeah yeah yeah, I have dynamite and I am not afraid to use it (and I have bad aim) anyway Just a few minutes, now get me that background info you want put up while I have my meeds in me and I am actively working on the blog. ;P

Jonny Tenebrous
June 20th, 2011, 19:00
Ok - sent.

June 20th, 2011, 19:12
Meh, my story is only on the character sheet :-(

Is anyone logged in? I canīt connect to ventrilo or the game.

Jonny Tenebrous
June 20th, 2011, 19:13
Ah good - it's not just me then. I'm having the same issue - can't connect to either.

June 20th, 2011, 19:13
No CAP isn't online yet, make certain you update your client though before trying to connect.

June 20th, 2011, 19:19
https://malliachronicles.blogspot.com/2011/06/interim.html is how I sadly worked in Jermaine Loughlin as a character.

I had to pull down a bunch of partial posts so some big chances re missing on other posts, but in the mean while you can take a look at https://malliachronicles.blogspot.com/2011/05/night-after-train-died.html for how they will look as I complete them.

June 20th, 2011, 19:32
Nicely done! I liked what I read about Jermaine. So sorry I can't make the game tonight :(

June 20th, 2011, 19:33
Great Sutff RK! Thanks you are doing this.

June 20th, 2011, 19:35
Server is up. It was late today, but if y'all are around, I'm up for playing. Apologies; I just flat lost track of time while I was doing some work.

June 27th, 2011, 18:43
The server is up. I'm going to drop my wife off at work, so I will not be around until 1, but y'all are welcome to sign in.

July 2nd, 2011, 01:17
So I will definitely be busy on Monday afternoon (having people over for a party). I would be willing for us to meet earlier, as in 9 or 10 a.m., CDT, or we could meet another day, or we could just put it off until July 11. Who could make it on another day?

July 2nd, 2011, 01:22
A party? On a national holiday? How outrageous!

Personally, I would rather just skip a week.

Also I have google+ invites for anyone interested. (from our group).

July 2nd, 2011, 03:05
So what is your opinion of Google+?

July 2nd, 2011, 03:23
I like it for several reasons.

1) it is not Facebook

2) Granularity: I can share information with Individuals, Groups of people I set up (Currently I have Archivists & Historians, Associates, Family, Friends, Philosophers, PnP-RPG, Preaching & Theology) I can assign any contact to any set of groups I want so I can decide who to share what with. If I wanted to say for example that the MARC 21 standards were going to be updated is my family really interested in that? Likely not so I would only share it with the Archivists & Historians people.

3) Video Hangout: This is a really cool feature. I can set my status to video hangout (for everyone, Group(s) of people or an individual) and it will allow full video conferencing where people can come and go as they wish. I don't know how many it will handle I have used 5 people at a time so far.

4) Much better privacy standards

5) No games to be spammed with (unlike a certain other site)

6) Not Facebook (a good enough thing to be mentioned 2x)

It still has a very limited adoption rate.

July 2nd, 2011, 11:30
I vote then to skip it this week as I am mostly busy and wont be able to fit it in another day.

I am also on Google+, RK, whats your nick there? PM if you prefer.

July 2nd, 2011, 11:38

Mallia, Thorstein & Thralkhar even have Google+ accounts.

July 11th, 2011, 19:00
The server is up.

July 18th, 2011, 00:09
Just wanted to give my apologies for disappearing from this game without excusing myself. As too often happens in such things, a number of things came up and I by the time they were dealt with I'd forgotten about it. Anyway, just remembering my manners. Cheers!

July 18th, 2011, 14:36
No problem. Thanks for letting me know.

July 18th, 2011, 14:44
No problem. Thanks for letting me know.
I am getting posts from the future! CAP's post says 9:36 and it is only 9:30.

There have been changes and updates to Mallia's blog. I am working on still more now.

July 25th, 2011, 14:13
I'm back now, hopefully for every session from now on forward.

July 25th, 2011, 14:20
I'm back now, hopefully for every session from now on forward.

Oh so you must have shaken the bounty hunters long enough to be willing to come into town :)

Glad you are back!

Jonny Tenebrous
July 25th, 2011, 18:38
Sorry about the last minute notice, but I have to pull out for tonight. I've got a work project that just can't wait and it's taking longer than expected. Have a great time, and catch you next week.

Perhaps Holt is feeling a little low, what with the "vibe" around town and whatever effect the "ageing mirror" had on him, combined with the booze, and getting soaked in the rain... and wanders back to the hotel to sleep it off.

July 25th, 2011, 19:23
Server is up.

August 1st, 2011, 14:14
Hi Guys, I wont be able to make it today as we just got home this morning at 2 and there is too much stuff to do before returning to work tomorrow. Next week onward I will be on time as usual. Gunthers Tomahawk needs to drink again soon!

August 1st, 2011, 19:05
The server is up. Also, I look forward to seeing you next week, IT. Glad you made it home safely.

August 8th, 2011, 08:03
Hi guys, is there a game today? Just wondering as I do not see a calendar entry.

August 8th, 2011, 14:29
That was forgetful of me. There is definitely a game today, and you should be there.

August 8th, 2011, 15:58
No worries, looking forward to it.

Jonny Tenebrous
August 8th, 2011, 22:27
Great summer campaign! Thanks for running it CAPryde, and all the best to everybody who participated.

August 8th, 2011, 22:37
Great campaign! I really enjoyed every moment I was able to participate in. Thank you all for great roleplaying experience and a special thank you to CAPryde for running it so well! I can't really express how amazing it was for me :) Thank you all and good gaming for the future!

August 9th, 2011, 19:16
Indeed, thank you to you all, it was great fun! Hopefully we can game together again. Looking forward to Mallias Chronicles to review all that has happened! If you start a new game and need a player CAPryde let me know. :)

Now, how do I get a replacement game? Need... Savage... Worlds... Fix...
See you around!