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View Full Version : Thought: Picking up SW..

April 4th, 2011, 01:14
So I'm a new FG2 owner (a few weeks) and have had a few small runs as well the first campaign session of 4e with some guild mates of mine..

Was thinking about looking into SW and no nothing about it. I'm going out and reading up but does the FG2 ruleset come with all the modules needed? I guess I'm thinking more of a scraped 4e content from D&DI so are there such things for SW?

Also, if anyone is having a demo or something I might be able to join in (won't be disruptive or disturbing) I would love to check it out in FG2 live..


April 4th, 2011, 04:46
I know there are SOME SW Demo's going around; I might be running some fairly soon too to promote the new Deadlands: Reloaded extension I've authored.

As for Savage Worlds, Smiteworks have a license with Pinnacle to be able to provide all materials as part of the ruleset. So the ruleset DOES comes with a complete copy of the "Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition" book as FGII module(s) as well as the character sheet, combat trackers and all the other tools use can use to run your Savage Worlds game.

I have an update coming out soon for the ruleset, which includes some documentation about the new features, which might give you a flavor of the sorts of things it already does. Otherwise get into a demo game (scan the forums) and see what you think !

Ben (-PW-)

April 4th, 2011, 05:30
If you wanted to sit in on a SW session, I run a game on Monday nights that you could observe or play in. Check out our Game Calendar entry, HERE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=535), for details.

April 4th, 2011, 06:12
I know there are SOME SW Demo's going around; I might be running some fairly soon too to promote the new Deadlands: Reloaded extension I've authored.

As for Savage Worlds, Smiteworks have a license with Pinnacle to be able to provide all materials as part of the ruleset. So the ruleset DOES comes with a complete copy of the "Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition" book as FGII module(s) as well as the character sheet, combat trackers and all the other tools use can use to run your Savage Worlds game.

I have an update coming out soon for the ruleset, which includes some documentation about the new features, which might give you a flavor of the sorts of things it already does. Otherwise get into a demo game (scan the forums) and see what you think !

Ben (-PW-)

Thanks for that quick reply :)

I figure maybe I should wait and see a game so I can interpret it to my players and see if they want to go for a spin. Not that the ruleset is much money but if no one will play it on my ultimate, then no need investing now :)

I'll await for your updates..

If you wanted to sit in on a SW session, I run a game on Monday nights that you could observe or play in. Check out our Game Calendar entry, HERE (../calendar/?id=535), for details.

Awesome! Not sure I could sit in tomorrow (Monday) due to a prior engagement but definately will make some time next week and sit in if you don't mind :)

Thank you both!

April 30th, 2011, 18:13
I would like to sit and and see it run... I have been running an Iron Kingdoms game using 4th edition, and I cant get the parser to work at all (as I am no programmer, this is the way that will stay).The game has been fun and my players are enjoying it. However everything has to be entered Manually, which is very time consuming and can be quite frustrating at times.

There are things also like multiple combat trackers that 4th edition doesnt seem to support that SW does. So interested in seeing how the game plays rules wise. I am actually planning on running it by my players this evening on a possible switch to a new system. (this does actually sadden me because i actually like 4th edition DnD)