View Full Version : Nentir Vale 4E Campaign

April 1st, 2011, 20:50
Hello! A couple of months back we started a 4E campaign based in and around the city of Fallcrest; we played through a number of sessions before some of my players had to drop out due to real-life commitments elsewhere.

So now we are looking for willing players; you will start at level 2, and can use any PHB material as a source for your character, also some limited Adventurer's Vault gear will be available at starting time.

If you're interested please visit the campaign's Calendar entry and subscribe (you could also PM me for further information on the matter):


Looking forward to your messages/posts!

April 3rd, 2011, 04:01
come on. don't be skeered. join us for a fun time. and be ready to kill some biatches! Look forward to gaming with some of you all.

April 3rd, 2011, 07:33
if the calendar is right it will be 10pm for me sunday - i would like to join if i may. this will be my first game of 4e... ;)
let me know so i can get a character built...
if you would prefer me to play a particular class let me know...

April 3rd, 2011, 07:59
sign up on the calendar.... game is in like 5 hours or so from this post. your in long as ya show. 4 of us regulars and we need another! a tank class would be awesome....

April 3rd, 2011, 09:06
Hey Damned...look forward to meeting ya. As its 4 am here i gonna take a nap til game time. Come hang out in FG chat at....


Couple of the players are in there now, and when daniel joins you can hop in and begin making your char. Look forward to gaming with ya...woot wooot.

Anyone else care to join. Starts in 4 hours....

Kung-Fu Joe
April 3rd, 2011, 21:50
Are you still looking for players, by any chance?

April 3rd, 2011, 23:00
thanks all for your patience last night!
geez this 4e is kinda different from 1e!

April 4th, 2011, 19:49
Lol damned. Yeah it's a bit different. Once everyone gets the hang of it though things run alot smoother. FG hiccups aside, once we got started I think things went well enough. We didn't get to roleplay as much as we normally do cause we were trying to answer everyones questions. Next, session should see things running quicker.

Look forward to seeing you next week. Have a great week.

April 4th, 2011, 21:22
I know people usually come and go and drop til you get a steady core of people, so even though it seems like you have 6 players at the moment I'll make my enquiry anyway.

I looked at the game calender but did not see a time or day of the week. Am I being blind? I see most of the players, well 3 at least are pretty much GMT which is near me (GMT +1), which makes me think the game may be around a time that could be interesting. Although Damned did say its 10pm Sunday for him and he looks like he is GMT +10 (Australia???). So, Watson, the game takes place just after lunch on a Sunday afternoon!!!!!


April 4th, 2011, 21:42
I am EST so it starts at 8 am for me. So, I'd say 2 pm your time. Definately sign up. We had 2 new players for this last session and hopefully they stick around. But if we have a no show or something we'd be more then willing probablly to have you run their character for that week. Or if someone drops out you'd be able to join on in with the campaign.

April 7th, 2011, 23:13
Sorry, just to clarify: 2 PM on Monday GMT time?

I'd join Monday game, but unfortunately I work and have kids so 2 PM is impossible.

Thanks anyway. Hope the players who have joined recently work out!

April 8th, 2011, 00:10
no that would be 2pm Sunday at GMT...