View Full Version : Extension Priority

March 31st, 2011, 00:01
Any chance of getting an extension priority setting? Example, You load a Skin Ext. and my new Portrait Frames ext. Since both extensions change the same files you get unpredictable results in the end. It would be nice if we could have a load priority, so we could tell it to load the skin first and then the frame extension.

March 31st, 2011, 01:05
I'll second the request. It would be a useful feature.

Or the ability to define an extension type and force the priority of extensions by type. e.g.

- new functionality then
- custom rules then
- skins
- component graphics

Also, I wonder if making extensions dependencies would work e.g.

- skin extension depends upon ruleset
- frames extension depends upon ruleset and skin extension

Downside of course is its not generic i.e. you have to name the extension dependancies explicitly.

March 31st, 2011, 04:16
i do not know if this is what you meant doc.
but currently i been using this with my personal skin and it seems to work

<name>Valahn Theme</name>

<author>Fantasy Grounds Gurps Ruleset</author>
<description>Gurps 4e ruleset theme extension</description>

the skin ext will show a red X if enahanced it not loaded or if the version of enhanced it higher than the minversion.

March 31st, 2011, 07:51
saithan - pretty much, yes.

I am thinking if you chain the extensions via dependencies it may force the load order of the extensions to a particular order.