View Full Version : Shared on Preload?

March 19th, 2011, 00:34
Anyone else have a problem with images they preload automatically turning on the player shared flag?

I preloaded a bunch of larger images recently and even before I started the night's session the players were commenting on the upcoming images. Apparently by preloading them they were passed to the players image list as shared, and WASN'T on my list as shared so I couldn't even unshare them.

Moon Wizard
March 23rd, 2011, 07:14
Preload and share window are essentially the same thing. The difference is that preload only sends the database node (and accompanying image), while share sends the database node and opens a window.

In any case, once a database node is sent to a client, it is available in their list. It just won't pop up the window automatically, unless you use the Share menu option.


March 25th, 2011, 00:15
Thanks for clearing that up Moon. I was under the impression that it would preload the data on the clients without giving them access to it. That would allow you to prepare big images for the night and be able to reveal them (and share them) without having to wait for them to load.

March 26th, 2011, 20:14
Remember you could still share the maps on a preload, you just need to have a mask on them and make sure your map names aren't spoilers.