View Full Version : Hotkey Question.

March 17th, 2011, 12:59
Is there anyway to have the sum displayed automatically (without having to right click and show sum) along with the dice that was rolled using a hot key?

For example I would like to have F1 as /die D20+7=sum
So if I roll a 10 it would show: 10+7=17

On a side note, could there also be text entered ahead of the hotkey so for example if I pressed F1 it would read: Short Sword 10+7=17

Not sure if it's ruleset specific, but if so I'm currently using Modern D20 rulset.

March 17th, 2011, 13:57
Some rulesets have an option to show the total as normal text, I have no idea whether this is available in the modern ruleset or not. I'm sure there are some knowledgeable people here who know how to add it, though.

To make the die roll also show text, just add the text after the die roll command like this: /die xdy+z text

Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2011, 01:54
The automatic dice totaling option is relatively new. It was just enabled in v2.7, so any rulesets built before that do not have that option.
