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View Full Version : Modern D20 Issues.

March 17th, 2011, 12:48
Hello there,

I just downloaded the Modern D20 ruleset and I'm having a couple issues that I was hoping maybe someone out there can help me with.

1: The modifier box is overlapping my chatbox, blocking out the first few letters I type. Is there any way to move the modifier box? Ctrl+Click drag doesn't work.

2: On the character sheet there is an Fx tab, where one should be able to enter his Magic Spells or Psionic Powers. However, I cannot figure out how to enter text into that page. Clicking does not bring up a text line. Right clicking only gives the option to close window. Anyone know how to enter text on this page?

Thanks in advance to those who reply.

Moon Wizard
March 18th, 2011, 01:52
1. FG currently assumes a minimum size of 1024x768. It sounds like your screen is smaller than that. Resizable chat window is on the wish list.

2. I've never used the d20 Modern ruleset, so I'm not sure on this one. Hopefully, someone else who has used it can chime in.


March 18th, 2011, 08:20
Hello there,

2: On the character sheet there is an Fx tab, where one should be able to enter his Magic Spells or Psionic Powers. However, I cannot figure out how to enter text into that page. Clicking does not bring up a text line. Right clicking only gives the option to close window. Anyone know how to enter text on this page?

Thanks in advance to those who reply.

I had a lot of problems with psionics when I was designing that set, they used different mechanics to spells.

So to resolve the problem you needed to right mouse button on the character class and then choose 'FX'

A sub menu is displayed then you select either none, magic or psionics.

Then on the FX tab you select either spells or psionics (to match the class selected above) and then you can drag and drop the powers.

March 18th, 2011, 12:28
Thanks man, that worked.

However the Modifier box is still an issue. I've tried every screen option up to 1366 x 768 (max my Laptop will allow), and it's covering the chat box under every resolution.

Moon Wizard
March 19th, 2011, 01:44
Here's a thread on modifying the ruleset, or your Windows settings, to address the netbook screen size issue.

