View Full Version : VTT Feature Comparison Chart needs updating

March 7th, 2011, 18:09
After the Four Ugly Monsters website died, I "inherited" this VT Feature Comparison Chart (https://www.battlegroundsgames.com/compareVTT.html), which is now being hosted on my website. It's an excellent companion to my existing Comprehensive List of Virtual Tabletop Programs for RPGs (https://www.battlegroundsgames.com/links.html#anchor6) and my Guide to Choosing a Virtual Tabletop (https://rpgvirtualtabletop.wikidot.com/choosing-a-vt). Unfortunately, some of the information in the Feature Comparison Chart is now obsolete/incorrect (it was compiled a couple of years ago, I think), given that many VTs are still evolving and adding more features and capabilities.

I would like someone to provide updated information for the Fantasy Grounds entry on this chart. To ensure that the information is 100% accurate, I would like someone on the dev team to be the one to provide the updated information (rather than a random user/fan).

Please send the updated information to me via email (heruca at mac dot com), and I will see to it that the chart is updated ASAP.


March 8th, 2011, 02:12
A lot of the features listed in there are highly dependent on what is coded into the ruleset with Fantasy Grounds. Some rulesets have the features, others don't. Some have more advanced versions of the features than others as well. Just a comment I thought I'd make.

Moon Wizard
March 13th, 2011, 03:17
Thanks for the heads up. I will follow up with an email.


March 13th, 2011, 04:01
A lot of the features listed in there are highly dependent on what is coded into the ruleset with Fantasy Grounds. Some rulesets have the features, others don't. Some have more advanced versions of the features than others as well. Just a comment I thought I'd make.

Speaking of that is there a place that lists the feature sets of the base rule sets? Which automation pieces are included etc?


March 13th, 2011, 06:03
Also, there is a fellow on these boards who has a web site dedicated to comparing the VTTs. He is MurghBpurn (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?u=7355).
The site is: RPG Virtual Tabletop (https://www.rpgvirtualtabletop.com/).
I think he'd be interested in this.

March 13th, 2011, 09:31
Also, there is a fellow on these boards who has a web site dedicated to comparing the VTTs. He is MurghBpurn (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?u=7355).
The site is: RPG Virtual Tabletop (https://www.rpgvirtualtabletop.com/).
I think he'd be interested in this.

Thanks for pushing the site Bidmaron, heruca is a member of RPG VT wiki, so it will be linked from there at least.

March 13th, 2011, 15:00
The VTT Feature Comparison Chart has now been updated with new info for MapTool, Fantasy Grounds 2, ViewingDale, and Battlegrounds. Info for the other VTs will be updated if the developers respond to the request for updated info.

June 20th, 2016, 13:32
Hi again.

The time has come for me to once again update the VTT Comparison Chart, which is now hosted here (https://battlegroundsgames.com/vtt-comparison-chart/).

The info on the chart is badly in need of an update, and I figure while I'm at it, I can purge old VTTs and add new ones (for example, the now-defunct ViewingDale was removed, and EpicTable might be added soon).

I was wondering if Moon Wizard (or some other official FG representative) could email me the info they would like to see posted in the Fantasy Grounds column for each row on the chart. Or to give the word if the info currently listed is still relevant and complete. Thanks!

June 20th, 2016, 20:28
Hi again.

The time has come for me to once again update the VTT Comparison Chart, which is now hosted here (https://battlegroundsgames.com/vtt-comparison-chart/).

The info on the chart is badly in need of an update, and I figure while I'm at it, I can purge old VTTs and add new ones (for example, the now-defunct ViewingDale was removed, and EpicTable might be added soon).

I was wondering if Moon Wizard (or some other official FG representative) could email me the info they would like to see posted in the Fantasy Grounds column for each row on the chart. Or to give the word if the info currently listed is still relevant and complete. Thanks!

Thanks Heruca,

I emailed you the updated info. Let us know if we can provide anything further.

June 21st, 2016, 00:50
Nothing to do with the original post, but hey, I need to say hello to heruca. I remenber him from Dundjinni Forums, beck in 2006 or so. lol

July 20th, 2016, 20:24
Hey Galach! ::waves::

I just wanted to let everyone know that the VTT Comparison Chart has just been updated with the information submitted (by the developers themselves, in most cases). Check it out, let me know if any further changes need to be made, or if any content on the chart is incorrect, and I'll see that it gets fixed.

I don't have the time to personally verify every claim and data point, so I'm counting on everyone to let me know if there are any blatant untruths or exaggerations regarding each VTT's capabilities.

Here's the link to the chart. (https://battlegroundsgames.com/vtt-comparison-chart/)

July 20th, 2016, 21:44
I'd say on price you should mention the 4 for the price of 3 deal at Steam unless that doesn't exist anymore.

July 20th, 2016, 22:06
Thanks Heruca for maintaining this list. I think you've done a good job of presenting the data in an unbiased way.

July 20th, 2016, 22:32
I'm glad to see the chart updated. It is a source I've looked to several times over many years.

July 21st, 2016, 00:56
"Linus with WINE" should be "Linux with Wine"

July 21st, 2016, 03:46
You may also want to specify (under the FG/RPG System heading) that FG can play any game system, as well as the ones listed.

Also, under Cost, list FG as available via Steam as well as the FG Store