View Full Version : If you are going to Pirate Software...

March 4th, 2011, 20:41
Don't expect the IRC channel to help you fix what is broken in the cracked version:
1:59 Threndal joined the chat room.
1:59 Threndal: Hey all.
2:00 Threndal: How do I get portraits for my players in 3.5?
2:00 Laz: find a pic you like threndal
2:00 Murgh_Bpurn: Threndal, the players need to put them in their portraits folder
2:00 Laz: crop it down to about 100x100
2:00 Threndal: Oh ok they have their own folder?
2:01 Laz: and dag and drop to your portraits photo in apps data
2:01 Threndal: Ok let me check that out quick...
2:01 Laz: start menu > FG>Apps data>portraits
2:01 Murgh_Bpurn: application data/Fantasy Grounds ii/Portraits
2:04 Threndal: I don't think that I have an appdata folder....
2:04 Ridi: You dio
2:04 Ridi: Everyone does
2:04 Ridi: Threndal
2:04 Ridi: Follow my voice
2:04 Ridi: Go to start
2:05 Laz: what OS you using Threndal?
2:05 Threndal: Windows 7. It is a pain to get to. I know I have one but I can never find it.
2:05 Ridi: I know
2:05 Ridi: Go to run
2:05 Ridi: Type in run
2:05 Ridi: In search and program files
2:05 Ridi: Then inside the run box type
2:06 Ridi: %appdata%
2:06 Madman: next time you find your app data folder create a shortcut to your desktop
2:06 Ridi: So, start, run, %appdata%
2:06 Ikael: no wonder why it's not working
2:06 Threndal: Ah. Thank you very much.
2:07 Threndal: Ok so in my appdata folder in the FG folder I don't have a portraits folder. Just.... campaigns and extensions.
2:08 Laz: create a portraits folder then
2:08 Threndal: Ok.
2:08 Laz: just make sure ya look around real good in there
2:08 Laz: be sure there isn't one hiding
2:09 Laz: does windows 7 hide folders?
2:09 Laz: not sure as i haven't had much experience with win7
2:09 Threndal: Yeah. I am unhiding them all. Ok so in the campaigns, it only shows Tale of Dinor as my campaigns. Then in there I have a portraits folder.
2:09 Ikael: windows 7 have capability to hide folders yes
2:09 Madman: right click>view>details
2:10 Laz: nah that portraits for the demo
2:10 Laz: should have one back where you see all the folders for campaign/ modules/chars/ cache
2:11 Threndal: Ok I will create one and see if it works.
2:11 Laz: after that it is quick
2:11 Laz: yeah name it "portraits"
2:43 Threndal: Ok. So my portrait problem from earlier is still not taken care of. I have an older version of FG is most likely why. And help?
2:43 demonsbane: Threndal,
2:43 Madman: Update it
2:43 Talysian: If you have an older version you will need to update it.
2:44 Threndal: I can put portraits on an older version sstill.
2:44 Threndal: How?
2:44 demonsbane: Threndal, just update the app
2:44 demonsbane: are there any reason for not updating it?
2:44 Threndal: I have a fake copy duh.
2:44 Talysian: There is a button on the corner that says update
2:44 Talysian: Oh...
2:44 Threndal: Lol.
2:45 demonsbane: then go to purchase a valid license man
2:45 demonsbane: this is a niche market,
2:45 Threndal: Not gonna happen I am afraid.
2:45 demonsbane: without money from customers, thsi isn't going to grow
2:45 Talysian: Sadly then you'll need someone with an Ultimate License if you want to play
2:45 Madman: Spend the money!
2:45 Threndal: I already have a campaign of cracked versions running. It is pretty nice actually.
2:46 Talysian: ...
2:46 RKBrumbelow: He can't play with an ultimate license either, not with a cracked copy
2:46 Madman: it's like 4 trips to MCDONALDS for god sakes
2:46 Threndal: Other than the portrait problem.
2:46 demonsbane: this can't afford piracy, because this is a very fragile market
2:46 demonsbane: Threndal after seeing the crakced version,
2:46 Threndal: It wouldn't be fragile if it was advertised! I really do encourage the makers to advertise. Gamers would eat it up.
2:46 demonsbane: you can evaluate better if you want to buy the program
2:46 Talysian: Dude, running a cracked copy is bogus man,
2:46 RKBrumbelow: of course what is fun is the fact that all of this conversation is automatically logged as is his IP Address of
2:47 Threndal: So what if you have my IP? Lol.
2:47 Threndal: Not tv commercials. I mean bring the program to events and have it running.
2:47 Talysian: I've seen em on G4 only
2:48 Threndal: It would get people interested which would increase demand so the price could lower.
2:48 Laz: cost money to advertise
2:48 Laz: kind of a catch 22 don't ya think
2:48 Threndal: It takes money to make money.
2:48 Laz: FG isn't a mega corp, it's a small company trying to help the community
2:48 Madman: i think most people are broke these days
2:49 Laz: i not gonna lie i have my share of torrents
2:49 Ridi: They could do; viral marketing if they wanted
2:49 demonsbane: lazarus is right
2:49 RKBrumbelow: well TBCH there are more than a few technically savvy individuals here, and Qwest is pretty good about BSA complaints.
2:49 Laz: but if it's a program you like
2:49 Madman: but 23.00 to do it right
2:49 demonsbane: Threndal what games do you want to run or to play with FG2?
2:49 Laz: should def support em
2:49 Laz: and thanks Murgh... I'll be in there some point to work on character
2:50 Ridi: The DMing Full version is less then two rpgs books anyways
2:50 Threndal: I just think that it would work great for the FG company to request invites to major events. I bet the events would love to have this program there.
2:51 Talysian: Seriously if your looking for a free ride, Maptools is there...
2:51 jthm0138: Well, as someone in the gaming industry, I can tell you none of the Conventions invite anyone.
2:51 Ridi: You guys are like elitist lol
2:51 Ridi: Everyione says that; Don't LIKE IT?! GO MAPTOOLS NEWB
2:51 jthm0138: And Fantasy Grounds is at GenCon EVERY year.
2:51 demonsbane: isn't that Ridi
2:51 Talysian: No, I just have a problem with thieves.
2:52 Threndal: Thieves? Hmm....
2:52 Threndal: So I take it that I am not going to get help with my portrait problem?
2:52 Talysian: I use both
2:53 RKBrumbelow: Nope, try buying the app
2:53 Madman: You need to Update
2:53 Talysian: My thing is this you have two or three people putting their time and effort into this, they probably don't make much of a profit, and running cracked copies is no diffrent the stealing the software off the shelf at the store.
2:53 Threndal: Then get better security on the software?
2:54 Madman: its not bad if you can't update
2:54 demonsbane: Threndal, for helping you,
2:54 Threndal: And no. I don't HAVE to update. Now you are the thief. You are stealing my right to know the truth.
2:54 RidiThrowsThunder: Well, beyond this, I pirate everything and even have cracked a few things; Minecraft being one of my cracks. I legally bought this program, because I respected it; but it takes huge balls to charge 134 and 39,94
2:54 demonsbane: keep in mind that people here is using the updated app
2:54 demonsbane: so it's difficult to help you with an outdated code
2:54 Threndal: EXACTLY. I crack **** all the time and would honestly buy this but it is just too pricey.
2:54 RidiThrowsThunder: Dude, it's less then a 40 of weed and a gram.
2:54 RidiThrowsThunder: Go buy it.
2:55 demonsbane: 40 bucks
2:55 Talysian: Less then that if you only are going to play
2:55 Threndal: And that is another problem I have. I can't GO buy it. I have to order it online. I don't feel comfortable doing that.
2:55 Tillyen joined the chat room.
2:55 demonsbane: do you have paypal, Threndal?
2:55 demonsbane: that is reliable, think about using it for purchasing
2:55 RidiThrowsThunder: Welcome to the new Internet Threndal, better start believing lol
2:56 RKBrumbelow: Stealers gonna steal he will give every excuse he wants.
2:56 Threndal: Ah yes. And with the internet came.... Identity theft is it? Yes that is it.
2:56 jthm0138: Oh I dont know about that.
2:56 RidiThrowsThunder: Hey, this hatred against pirates is just stupid. You guys know me, most of you are friends with me; yes?
2:56 Threndal: There was no identity theft before the internet.
2:56 Talysian: Well people need an Idenitity and it costs to much to get their own.
2:56 Madman: I think that some of you might like FG, or something
2:56 RidiThrowsThunder: Threndal, ID theft has beena round since the 60s/
2:56 Laz: identity theft was before the internet
2:56 Laz: lol
2:56 RidiThrowsThunder: Just it got hyped by the internet
2:56 demonsbane: hatred againts pirates? um
2:56 jthm0138: Back in the days of FG1 I got the program from a free source, played with it for a week, and bought 6 keys.
2:56 Threndal: It was virtually inexistent.
2:56 RidiThrowsThunder: And with people doign stupid things, it became easier.
2:57 Laz: piracy gonna happen.... everyone knows it
2:57 RidiThrowsThunder: No it wasn't Threndal
2:57 RidiThrowsThunder: Go to ANY car dealership that has beena round longer then 20 years; they'll tell you
2:57 Threndal: Yeah it really was. The numbers now compared to then are a much higher percentage.
2:57 Tillyen: <laughs> One only wonders how this conversation came about.
2:57 Threndal: Either way, I will never buy this program.
2:57 Threndal: Bye bye,
2:57 RKBrumbelow: Threndal thinks things are different in the middle of Iowa
2:57 RidiThrowsThunder: Because of people not retreating their ids with respect
2:58 demonsbane: okay Threndal
2:58 Tillyen: You're missing out Threndal
2:58 RidiThrowsThunder: Threndal, grow up kiddy.
2:58 Talysian: Thanks for all the fish!
2:58 demonsbane: but society and market are increasingly being handled through internet
2:58 RidiThrowsThunder: Sometimes, you gotta spend money.
2:58 RKBrumbelow: Good riddance I say
2:58 Threndal: Yeap. Middle of Iowa. Going to Desmoines to eat supper tonight. I am so scared now that you know where I am! **** off.
2:59 Threndal left the chat room.

March 4th, 2011, 20:43
So, that's what 10k of characters looks like.

March 4th, 2011, 21:14
Wow... lol... simply wow...
Well he certainly has some big-ones, lol...
I'll refrain from making any Iowa jokes.

March 5th, 2011, 01:51
There was a post the other day where someone was asking a question about a problem he had with FG1 when asked why he didn't do the free upgrade to FG2 he got a little defensive.

NOW I freely admit he could be legitimate but I do remember FG1 was easier to pirate than FG2 and it was my first thought for why the guy didn't want to upgrade.

As I say I am not stating that this person had an illegal copy but it did cross my mind.

March 5th, 2011, 02:32
What a laugh! :) Thanks for posting that.

March 5th, 2011, 03:28
Software pirates are always going to make excuses. In this case it started out as the price is too high, moved on to the program security should be better, flirted briefly with identity theft, before admitting that they have no intention of ever paying for it.

Same old, same old.

March 5th, 2011, 07:05
Needless to say, we won. >.>

March 5th, 2011, 07:57
Funny thing is he claims to be concerned about identity theft yet he's probably logging into all kinds of torrent sites and downloading all kinds of trojan laded software. :D

March 5th, 2011, 16:55
Self-deception is contagious. Whatever that means.

He did have one legitimate point. It would be nice to see FGII getting more exposure. How, is the question...
Is there already Twitter and Facebook stuff for FGII?

March 5th, 2011, 17:15
It does indeed have a Facebook page. Though I haven'thad a chance to update it since I went on break to get married. I'll be working on getting things up to speed over next week.

March 5th, 2011, 17:17
Thanks for the defense guys. Sometimes people start out with piracy and then eventually buy a legit copy. There are some that never do. The best you can do is encourage them to upgrade for the benefits that come with a legit copy. Having other FG users rag on them for not buying the software legitimately probably helps too. ;)

I've bought my share of crummy games over the years and regretted the purchase, but for the most part I think its very important to reward the companies for the attempts even when the software didn't turn out right. When a company does put out something truly great, I make sure to keep supporting them as much as possible.

Because FG now uses community members for many of the add-ons, each purchase of those typically rewards the community at large and brings in more and more new enhancements and additions. It's because of fans and users like we saw in the first post that FG is growing as much as it is.

Moon Wizard, Keaver and I are still "technically" buying the company and we have another two years before we'll be able to focus a lot more on advertising. We still do a pretty hefty amount of advertising each week on TV commercials and mostly on AdWords campaigns and with our GEN CON booth. Advertising does get pretty expensive though. We thought about branching out into radio advertisements a little but I fear the cost will be prohibitive. The costs for a 60 second advertisement run between $400 to $800 per spot from what I've been quoted. We'd have to sell lots of licenses for that to work and hope that those people don't just get interested enough to try to pirate the software.

Again... glad to have you guys rooting for us and try to encourage people to go the right route.

March 5th, 2011, 17:19
It does indeed have a Facebook page. Though I haven'thad a chance to update it since I went on break to get married. I'll be working on getting things up to speed over next week.

We used to advertise on FB as well but they shut down the advertisements for some reason because they didn't want to allow advertisements for applications that ran outside of their control. They said they couldn't validate that our software wouldn't harm their users' systems. I tried to convince them otherwise, but was unsuccessful.

March 5th, 2011, 20:34
I've bought my share of crummy games over the years and regretted the purchase, but for the most part I think its very important to reward the companies for the attempts even when the software didn't turn out right. When a company does put out something truly great, I make sure to keep supporting them as much as possible.

This is why I've ALWAYS gone to Youtube and other video sources to take a look at the product before buying.
I did this with Fantasy Grounds... (being a recent buyer too) in particular.
There simply isn't much out there, but I did see enough in order to make up my mind about it,

I work a bit with Ed at NBOS, and Screenmonkey is a VT that I do use as well... though I like FG's dice and my brain is starting to absorb some of the XML... I do a lot of php custom configuring so this isn't too far off. So I like that the users are able to customize the content. It seems that having a few more VT users here helps in getting gamers together(NBOS has more Mappers there than VT users) but the VT is spreading gradually to other RPG forums.
Perhaps you should drive the user-base to create more video content?

March 6th, 2011, 00:53
Advertising does get pretty expensive though. We thought about branching out into radio advertisements a little but I fear the cost will be prohibitive. The costs for a 60 second advertisement run between $400 to $800 per spot from what I've been quoted. We'd have to sell lots of licenses for that to work and hope that those people don't just get interested enough to try to pirate the software.

Have you thought about affiliate deals with bricks & mortar game shops? It's more targeted than tv or radio adverts, and costs nothing until a sale is made.

March 6th, 2011, 01:38
I tried to pirate Fantasy Grounds but I failed my piracy skill check :(

*was on IRC when that conversation was occurring, it amused me greatly*

March 6th, 2011, 01:43
Have you thought about affiliate deals with bricks & mortar game shops? It's more targeted than tv or radio adverts, and costs nothing until a sale is made.

We were discussing something similar in #FG2 earlier. Like some sort of compensation for Ultimate license holders giving demos in Game/ Comic stores if they result in sales, be it create or swag or some such.

March 6th, 2011, 06:00
Another thought is you may want to get in touch with Morrus over on EN world, and see if he could do some promoting there. I know enworld gets tons of hits, and with the War of the Burning Sky available in FG... it may be a good source, also possibly Farcaster of Penandpapergames, Also, a free thing is Twitter, just throw some posts out there to #dnd, #rpgs etc, etc.

March 6th, 2011, 06:43
Have you thought about FGII Fanproducts? I bet in the US there is something like https://drachenzwinge.spreadshirt.de/. All you would need to have is you Logo in printable forms.

Also maybe some flyers for the community members to print can be a nice addition. From time to time many of the Drachenzwinge members go to Conventions and many times they take flyers from the Drachenzwinge with them. Alternatively you can always have your own flyers printed and have them sent to long time Members who go to conventions themselves, along with a goodie or something.

Probalbly the conventions are the best way for any kind of advertisement. I am not really sure if Radio would be the right place for that.

Also i suggest that you ask around from where the contacts came in order to see where to place the best ads.


March 6th, 2011, 16:22
Also i suggest that you ask around from where the contacts came in order to see where to place the best ads.

Customer Surveys would be a huge impact. Possibly, if you can populate navigation to a webpage through the update process (ie, "Would you like to take a survey?") or on the website pages that you get hits.

March 6th, 2011, 18:52
https://www.yog-sothoth.com is also good for reaching the Call of Cthulhu brigade.

March 9th, 2011, 13:55
Pretty nice how you tried to speak with the guy, i must say i would never had the patience and good manners you got there, well done guys :)

March 9th, 2011, 18:23
Thinking a little... one of my friends sells the odd gaming related item on Ebay, and those sales always get plenty of views (if not bids). Is there any limitation from Ebay that says you can't put a banner link into the ad's, leading to the FG website?

March 9th, 2011, 18:30
Ignore my previous post. Just checked Ebay's rules, and you're not allowed to do it.

March 9th, 2011, 19:16
Pretty nice how you tried to speak with the guy, i must say i would never had the patience and good manners you got there, well done guys :)

Holy ****, did I just get told I have good manners? :D

March 9th, 2011, 19:51
It has to happen to everyone once and a while ;) :D

March 9th, 2011, 20:40
Touche, right after being blocked on chat for having 'no manners'. Touchy people. xD

March 9th, 2011, 22:12
Thanks for the defense guys. Sometimes people start out with piracy and then eventually buy a legit copy. There are some that never do. The best you can do is encourage them to upgrade for the benefits that come with a legit copy. Having other FG users rag on them for not buying the software legitimately probably helps too. ;)

I've bought my share of crummy games over the years and regretted the purchase, but for the most part I think its very important to reward the companies for the attempts even when the software didn't turn out right. When a company does put out something truly great, I make sure to keep supporting them as much as possible.

Because FG now uses community members for many of the add-ons, each purchase of those typically rewards the community at large and brings in more and more new enhancements and additions. It's because of fans and users like we saw in the first post that FG is growing as much as it is.

Moon Wizard, Keaver and I are still "technically" buying the company and we have another two years before we'll be able to focus a lot more on advertising. We still do a pretty hefty amount of advertising each week on TV commercials and mostly on AdWords campaigns and with our GEN CON booth. Advertising does get pretty expensive though. We thought about branching out into radio advertisements a little but I fear the cost will be prohibitive. The costs for a 60 second advertisement run between $400 to $800 per spot from what I've been quoted. We'd have to sell lots of licenses for that to work and hope that those people don't just get interested enough to try to pirate the software.

Again... glad to have you guys rooting for us and try to encourage people to go the right route.

Hey guys! I only stumbled upon FG by looking into WoTC site and seeing their add for virtual table. Then doing a search for VTs.
I have to admit, I had never of thought there would be a virtual table, let alone one that is so polished. I am currently trying to get my friends interested since we are scattered all over the globe.
I think if you were to advertize more, you would bring more people back to playing rpgs.

March 14th, 2011, 02:05
Quick observation re:advertising and target markets.

Online RPGs probably appeal heavily to the 30-something+ market that used to play heavily as teenagers but kinda stopped when regular face-to-face became too hard due to real life. Nothing too insightful there.

Of course, the problem here is many of the people in this market are not even aware of the virtual table concept, and at best end up with WoW or similar - a pale imitation of the RPG experience, but one that is always "up and running". So a real challenge is raising awareness to that crowd that FGII exists, and then also getting them into a game as it's not until you really play a game with FGII that you realise what it is / can do.

So yeah, some promotion of Demo games, not just the software, would be invaluable. I guess ruleset / extension authors or advocates would have a self-interest to push there chosen product. But other incentives to demo games to new players can only help.

March 14th, 2011, 10:06
A note with slight self-interest :

Hand out / give a good rabate / partial refund on the Ultimate for people who are willing to Demo FG for new players.

- Obe

March 14th, 2011, 14:21
A note with slight self-interest :

Hand out / give a good rabate / partial refund on the Ultimate for people who are willing to Demo FG for new players.

- Obe

Or provide unique referral codes (e.g. "if you enjoyed today's demo and want to buy FGII, please enter the code 2846 on the purchase screen as this leaves me a small tip") ?

If real cash rebates not a viable solution, then store credit might be good too ? Suspect this would get spent on purchases which otherwise might not have been made (sorta-maybe-wishlist type stuff) so would result in less "real spend" for Smiteworks.

March 16th, 2011, 22:03
OT slightly: I'm so glad that I can use Adblock to remove images in sig's. :)

March 16th, 2011, 22:08
OT slightly: I'm so glad that I can use Adblock to remove images in sig's. :)

Hmmmm, yeah - MisterAmazing's sig went a bit huge - hadn't thought to AdBlock it though - things look better now !

March 17th, 2011, 05:39
Good thoughts on the referral for store credit idea. I'll file that away as a future research project for implementation.

March 17th, 2011, 10:27
Hmmmm, yeah - MisterAmazing's sig went a bit huge - hadn't thought to AdBlock it though - things look better now !

Thanks for the idea! Sig blocked! :D

March 17th, 2011, 14:13
I'll promptly remove the image link in my sig. :)

- Obe