View Full Version : Players needed for Savage Worlds Zombie game

February 21st, 2011, 18:39
I've been running War of the Dead (WotD) since sometime last fall and through normal attrition, we find our group in need of reinforcements. The game runs on Sunday evenings from 6:30-9:30pm EST (GMT-5). Although we occassionally run over a few minutes, it's never more than a half hour at most.

The PCs are traveling with a group of NPCs of indeterminate size. Your character will be from this group and has thus far been willing to go with the flow and let others make all the decisions, but for whatever reason, you've finally decided to step up and become more active. This avoids the usual problem of introducing a new PC since it assumes you've been there all along. It also allows me the flexibility to run the game regardless of missing players, since if someone can't show up for one reason or another, their character simply fades (back) into the the background for that episode. So even if you have a wacky work/school schedule and can't commit to a weekly game, but are interested, we can accommodate you.

WotD is a standard modern-day zombie outbreak setting that is being serialized in 52 weekly segments divided into 4 13-week Chapters. We are currently 3 episodes from finishing up Chapter 1, which will be followed by a few weeks of "Interlude" episodes before kicking off the Chapter 2 story arc.

If you've got a hankerin' to crack some zombie skulls, we'd love to have you join us. PM me if interested.

February 21st, 2011, 23:24
i'd love to get in on this if you still have room.