View Full Version : Crush Deletes Campaign Progress

February 16th, 2011, 12:09
Sometime for some reasons, the game crushes, and shows a "Saved campaign backup... etc..." message.

I understand that the game may crush here and there for some reason. My question is this:

The game saves the campaign frequently, but even so, when the game crushes and you reload your campaign, you find out that most of the campaign progress is lost, even though it has been "saved" many times.

So here are the questions:

-How can I "Really" save the game?
-Would it work if I take frequent backups of the campaign folder, during playing the campaign? (Alt tabbing, and copying the campaign folder somewhere else).

And Also:

-Are there any way to refresh the Game's cash while playing to make newly added Tokens Updated
while playing?

- I am mostly playing the 4e Gurps Ruleset, and I couldn't find the "Options Window". Are there any?


I realized that the game doesn't really save the game unless you quit and reload the software. I guess it may be something with the cash.

Also I couldn't find the folder where the Backup Database is, and I wonder if the saves are all canceled because the software would automatically load an out dated database after a crush.

Any help would be appreciated. tnx.

February 16th, 2011, 12:54
The automated save process backs up the campaign fairly regularly. Usually after a crash, the db.xml file is fine. If not, then you need to use the backup file. The backup file is in the campaign folder and is called db.backup.xml. To restore to the backup file, you need to rename this to db.xml. You should have lost at most around 5 minutes of stuff. You can force a save using /save in the chat box.

You can't refresh the token content while playing, unlike the images folder. You can use /reload or /reload all to refresh if no players are connected. If there are players connected, using these commands would boot them off.

February 16th, 2011, 14:50
The automated save process backs up the campaign fairly regularly. Usually after a crash, the db.xml file is fine. If not, then you need to use the backup file. The backup file is in the campaign folder and is called db.backup.xml. To restore to the backup file, you need to rename this to db.xml. You should have lost at most around 5 minutes of stuff. You can force a save using /save in the chat box.

You can't refresh the token content while playing, unlike the images folder. You can use /reload or /reload all to refresh if no players are connected. If there are players connected, using these commands would boot them off.

tnx dude, that was quiet clear.