View Full Version : A Tale of Dinor Story missing

February 11th, 2011, 08:16
I just downloaded and installed Full version of FGII and updated to version 2.7.4. I then tried to Load Campaign and selected the only campaign listed (A Tale of Dinor) and Start the campaign but the campaign has no Story elements, no Personalities, etc. No anything except some Images and Maps.

By the way I previously had loaded and tried out the Demo version and the Tale of Dinor in the demo version had all the story elements and personalities, etc.

Also, there is supposed to be a Well Met in Kith'whatever adventure with the install but I don't see it listed in Load Campaign screen. I do see it in the Modules window, though. Not sure how to "activate" it??

Am I missing something obvious here?


February 11th, 2011, 08:43
I have also noted that the Tale of Dinor campaign no longer has story items. Hopefully someone at smiteworks can figure out what has gone wrong there.

with regard to Well Met in Kith'takharos, this is not in campaign form, but is a module.

modules are activated from within campaigns.
So you need to create a campaign, and then once it loads go to the module activation window (can't remember exactly what its called) which is one of the small icons at the right had side of the screen.

when you open that window you should see the module listed. to activate it click and drag the book icon to the right to open it. The story elements etc should now populate the appropriate windows.

if Well Met in Kith'takharos is not on the module list then exit the campaign and update FG again to see if it downloads.

if you find the module and activate it, and the story elements do not appear, exit the campaign and the restart it (this is an annoying bug that sometimes crops up with modules in new campaigns - restarting should refresh the lists and make the story visible).

Blue Haven
February 11th, 2011, 10:40
I Already asked about this and everyone ignored me...

February 11th, 2011, 10:43
I recently learned that with the Kith'takharos module you may need to create a new story entry before loading the module for the entries to appear.

February 11th, 2011, 16:15
Thanks for all the swift replies, by the way.

OK, I activated the Well Met module (and all the other 3.5 modules) and the entries didn't show up at first but I did various things and then I noticed the category tabs at the bottom of Story etc. Not sure when exactly they showed up since I wasn't expecting the elements to show up in tabs.

So I am now good with the Well Met module.

As for the Dinor campaign, it is still missing. I looked into the Application Data/Fantasy Grounds II/campaigns folder and A Tale of Dinor folder exists but is rather empty. Specifically the 'db.xml' file has no story, no npcs, no nothing except for the images. Weird.


February 11th, 2011, 18:47
I create many Fantasy Grounds modules and, as part of White Haired Man, I put together the Well Met in Kith'takharos module.

When I first add a module to FG and activate it, I notice the tabs sometimes do not show up. My solution is to quit FG and restart. This almost always takes care of the problem. I do not believe it is an issue with the modules themselves.

Moon Wizard
February 11th, 2011, 19:14
The Tale of Dinor campaign is a special demo-only campaign. The contents of the Tale of Dinor are not accessible in the full version.

The campaign that you see is actually just a few preferences saved during the demo, but not a copy of the actual campaign.

Thanks for the heads-up on the module entries not displaying, if there are no other entries.


February 11th, 2011, 19:39
Aaaahhhh, OK. The Tale of Dinor stuff I see is just left-overs from the Demo installation. Makes sense.

So when you buy the Full version you only get the Well Met module and no sample campaigns??


February 11th, 2011, 22:50
OK. I downloaded and installed The Wizard's Amulet campaign from mapventures website as per the readme instructions. I also downloaded and installed the d20 ruleset.

The db.xml file in the campaign folder is about 400K and looks like it has all the story stuff, etc.

I then run FG2 and Load Campaign and select the Wiz Amulet campaign. Similar to before there is no story, no personalities, no items, no nothing except images. Now the really odd thing is, I exit back to the launcher and the db.xml (400KB file) gets overwritten by a 5K file with essentially nothing in it but images references.

Now I am starting to think The Tale of Dinor got toasted in much the same way.

What is going on here??

February 11th, 2011, 23:17
OK. I think I know what happened...

The XML tags in the db.xml file are very different between the Tale of Dinor/Wizard's Amulet campaigns and the current v2.7.4 db.xml format.

I don't know in what FG version the db.xml format changed significantly. And if you load an "invalid/old" db.xml it will not report an error (it should) and will not show the story, personality, etc. data since it didn't load properly (understandable, though it should handle old formats too).

Then when you exit the campaign it saves the empty campaign you have in memory. Ouch.

Question: Does anyone have a conversion utility to convert the Dinor or Wiz Amulet era XML formats to v2.7.4 of FG2? If not, I could create one myself (I'm a programmer) and provide it to the community. If I had an XML Schema for the different db.xml formats (I am pretty handy with XMLSpy) it would make the job a lot easier, hint, hint FG devs.


[P.S. I found a thread in Armory that contains updated db.xml and campaign.xml files for Wiz Amulet]

February 12th, 2011, 04:14
The Tale of Dinor campaign is a special demo-only campaign. The contents of the Tale of Dinor are not accessible in the full version.

The campaign that you see is actually just a few preferences saved during the demo, but not a copy of the actual campaign.

Thanks for the heads-up on the module entries not displaying, if there are no other entries.

Moon, I never owned/installed anything except the Full (and now I also own an Ultimate), and I accessed the Tale of Dinor a few years ago. When did this change to a demo-only?

Moon Wizard
February 12th, 2011, 08:06
I only joined last year on the development side, so I can only speak to what I can see in the code base I inherited at that time. Also, the demo was unbuildable by the time I joined, so not sure if the current code reflects the currently downloadable demo build. The current code base shows that the Tale of Dinor campaign is actually a PAK file embedded within the demo executable, thus it is not accessible from the release version.

I think that GomJabbar brings up a good point, which is that we should add The Tale of Dinor as an example campaign in the Full/Ultimate release as well. I'll put that on my list for the demo revamp.


February 13th, 2011, 03:23
Moon, there use to be an option to install the Tales in the old non internet installer.

February 18th, 2011, 07:50
I verified that the Tale of Dinor campaign is installed with the full version of FGII. However the Tale of Dinor uses an old XML format and therefore does not load properly and the db.xml gets overwritten with essentially an empty file when the campaign is saved (either when it is auto-saved or when you exit campaign).

I have the original Tale of Dinor db.xml back. Now I will try to update it to new XML format by hand. Shouldn't be too bad. It is a rather short file. I will post the updated file here when I get it done... Stay tuned.

March 15th, 2011, 20:25
As promised, I updated the XML format of the Dinor campaign files (campaign.xml and db.xml) and linked them in a thread here...

