View Full Version : dragging items from a library onto a character sheet

February 5th, 2011, 03:25
Hi, folks:

New to FG2. Just got into module creation and I'm working with the BRP ruleset. I'm trying to build a module for The Age of Shadow game (built on the OpenQuest SRD) so I can drag and drop new powers and weapons from the library to a PC, as you can do with the Basic Magic supplement.

Is the ability to drag an item from the library and drop it onto a PC a function of the builtin FG library code, or does it require a script? In other words, does the drag-and-drop functionality come with creating, say, a <link> tag in the xml?

Just looking to be pointed in the right direction.


February 5th, 2011, 05:20
And once again I have my breakthrough shortly after posting. :P Figured it out. Thanks!