View Full Version : Checking Interest - Savage Worlds Steampunk

January 29th, 2011, 20:22
Greetings everyone!
I am currently thinking about revisiting a setting that I once designed for my two-year-long Steampunk Traveller campaign, but with a different rule system. Since my current situation doesn't really lend itself to opening another real-life group, I consider setting up this game via FG.
The setting, to describe it in few words, is not true steampunk. It is a bit of a mixture between some post-apocalyptic motifs (i.e. the sky is permanently covered with a black veil that was caused by the usage of a seemingly revolutionary energy source going awry), some higher-tech (zeppelins exist alongside more powerful air-battleships which use said energy source to stay afloat), some western elements and telepath secret circles plotting to, you guessed it, take over the world. It's a somewhat pulp/steampunk/sci-fi potpourri which is why I am not too sure if too many people will be interested in this, but since FG seems like a good platform to run this on (and the community seems to be very active), I'll give it a shot.

My timezone, by the way, is GMT+1, though I will be in GMT+8 for another two weeks and after that generally flexible with my scheduling. I would start the game some time after Feb 15th.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

January 30th, 2011, 11:38
Sign me up! I'm GMT so GMT+1 would suit me just fine.

What day/s were you thinking? I'm available Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. Thursdays & Fridays at a push.

February 3rd, 2011, 05:12
I'd be game assuming the day/times work out. Let me know when you've got a better handle on those.

February 3rd, 2011, 21:53
I am up to try anything, if the schedule fits

February 4th, 2011, 02:16
It sounds like cracking good fun, and I'd love to join in.

February 8th, 2011, 20:20
I'd be up for that. Haven't been on Fantasy Grounds in ages but this looks right up my street. I'm GMT, and my evenings are flexible at the moment, so I'd be able to work around whatever is best for others.

February 8th, 2011, 22:10
I am not familiar with steampunk, could you elaborate on what it is?

February 9th, 2011, 17:31
Steampunk is, at its most basic, the relocation of modern or future technology into the Industrial Revolution, archetypally, but not necessarily, Victorian London. Typically these technologies are powered by steam engines, with elaborate and archaic designs reflecting their provenance.

As the name indicates, steampunk frequently incorporates elements of cyberpunk or other dystopian sci-fi, but also has strong links to the science fiction of the 19th and early 20th centuries, most notably the works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.

The most obvious examples of films with a steampunk influence are 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' and 'Wild Wild West'. Sadly, both these films are quite poor. However, all volumes of Alan Moore's magnificently entertaining original comic of 'The League...' are available from Amazon, and provide an excellent introduction to both the visual and plot elements common to steampunk stories. They are also well worth reading for their own sake.

Given that monsterfurby is apparently diverging quite significantly from the standard steampunk template, bear in mind that anything I've said here may be unrepresentative of the game.