View Full Version : Universal Table Rolling Extension

January 19th, 2011, 01:29
I have adapted my older Gurps table roller (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13976) into a Universal version that has the framework to support any number & type of dice (including custom dice). I have also created documentation to help GMs adapt my ext to their systems.

Here is a screenshot showing the basic functions (it is also in the docs).


I have attached the EXT and the Documentation PDF.

--Version 2.0 2011-01-18 (initial Universal Version)

--Version 2.1 2011-01-24
Added Gurps Major Wounds Tables (Neck, Skull, Veins & Vitals in MA138)
Changed documentation to add the ability to duplicate results without retying the entry (ie map[x] = map[y]).

January 19th, 2011, 04:41
Spudman, this is great. I was hoping you'd do that. How does your extension compare to the 4e one? (I'm not a 4e guy)

January 19th, 2011, 05:36
Mine is very simple and offers no way to make changes while in the program. However, mine is easier to make cut & paste changes to offline.

I don't play 4e so I do not use that ext and have no experience with it.

January 19th, 2011, 13:14
Fantastic. Thanx a lot!

January 25th, 2011, 01:04
The files in the original post have been updated to Version 2.1


1. Added Gurps Major Wounds Tables (Neck, Skull, Veins & Arteries, and Vitals) from MA138.

2. Changed the documentation to reflect a way to repeat information without having to type it all over again. For instance, some tables say things like "On a roll of 5-8, x happens". Instead of having to type multiple map[y]="xxxxx" statements, just create the duplicate by referencing the original (map[z]=map[y], etc).

January 30th, 2011, 17:25
I just noticed this, and it's extremely useful. Thank you for supporting the GURPS 4e Fantasy Grounds 2 ruleset!

Edit: I'd add the Awe and Confusion effects from GURPS Powers (p.85), but right now I'd need to study how to modify the already provided setup.

January 30th, 2011, 18:05
I have been spending the last week adding the complete contents from "Df08 - Treasure Tables" and will add "Awe and Confusion" with that update sometime this week.

Here is a sample of a treasure table roll.


January 30th, 2011, 18:34
Hey, Treasure and Awe tables in progress . . . that's great!

As an afterthought, I'll be very interested into adding the results of the reaction roll tables.

All this -I'm including the GURPS_4Enhanced expansion by shaitan, too- contributes to a much more dynamic game flow and funnier use of the ruleset and of the FG 2 app in general.

SpudmanWP, excuse me for my impatience, I just discovered that there are these cool expansions to the GURPS ruleset and I don't know how to add such tables by myself . . .

For instance, there's the upcoming GURPS Social Engineering, and I know that it's going to come with enhanced and expanded social reaction roll tables, at least 11 of them for different social contexts (this will be a really nice book, BTW), and I'd like to be able to add them by myself (I foresee a heavy use for them!).

January 30th, 2011, 18:52
Once all the big stuff is in I can concentrate on documentation and tools so GMs can add their own content easier.

Until then, I will add stuff as people suggest it.

January 30th, 2011, 22:41
Once all the big stuff is in I can concentrate on documentation and tools so GMs can add their own content easier.

Until then, I will add stuff as people suggest it.

I understand. Good thing that you are supportive of the GURPS ruleset.

January 30th, 2011, 22:49
It happens to be where one of my fav games is played.. Traveller :)

January 31st, 2011, 05:24
I just noticed this, and it's extremely useful. Thank you for supporting the GURPS 4e Fantasy Grounds 2 ruleset!

Edit: I'd add the Awe and Confusion effects from GURPS Powers (p.85), but right now I'd need to study how to modify the already provided setup.

I wanted a distraction to coding the treasure table... Awe & Confusion table is in (/t ACC) and will be in an update later this week.

Keep the ideas coming, but remember to include book and page numbers :)

March 9th, 2011, 20:54
Very nice and useful.

Couple of questions:

the Fright Check Table: the lowest result is a 4 and the highest is a 40. But the roll is only 3d6. What happens if you roll a 3 and how do you get higher than 18 ? ( ok so I'm guessing there are mods to be added to the roll... but why does it start at 4 ?)

Is it possible to call a another table from the first roll ? There are lots of tables results that require you to make a roll on a different table. That would be the ultimate.

March 12th, 2011, 19:35
In GURPS you roll on the Fright Check Table only if you miss your Fright Check roll. You add (as a modifier) what you missed your Fright Check by (at least 1) to the Fright Check Table roll. For example, if you had a target of 10 but rolled an 11, you missed it by 1 (thereby explaining why the FCF goes from 4 (3d6+1) to 40).

Basic rule book page 360.

As to one table calling another, I am currently writing code to roll on the treasure tables and this update allows one table to roll on another, and another, and another (no limit). So far it is working well and I have about 50% of the treasure tables done.

Here is a sample of what is done so far.


Each line of an item's description represents a roll on a separate table. Each line shows what roll was made "«133»", the treasure type and desc "Elven Rope 3/4", and what page it is on "(pg. 21). At the end of each item it's total weight and value is displayed.

Notice the last item in the list has gems. Their weight and value are tracked separately from the main item.

March 13th, 2011, 00:22
That is good work with Treasure Tables, SpudmanWP.

March 14th, 2011, 19:37
That sounds awesome. :)

October 22nd, 2011, 11:59
Did you ever release an updated version to the code that shows how to call one table from another?

We have been using these tables very successfully for some time and auto additional table rolling would be great.

Also is there a way to add an option to identify who is rolling on the table?

I have to at the moment when my players roll on the Fright Table in SW (frequently as we are playing Deadlands), I have to check who is rolling. I suspect these tables were more designed for GM use of course so not a problem if too tricky to implement.
