View Full Version : big size maps sharing problem

January 14th, 2011, 21:54
good evening ladies and gents,
me and my friends have some problems displaying maps.
My DM found some beautiful high resolution maps but some of the players just can't load them properly :cry:
Thanks to the forums I found out that copying the maps into my MaskedImages folder would work, however I can edit them locally... huge temptation... :D
I noticed that, in the same folder, I already had 2 .png files that I can't edit locally. I don't know how they arrived here and I suppose that there are maps from previous FG2 tries.
Can someone tell me how my DM can give me maps in unreadable .png format ? does he have to set them into his campagn folder then force the download ?

If anyone has the answer, I would be much grateful ... :)

January 15th, 2011, 02:47
In theory the GM could connect to himself, create a cache file and share it. That will wipe out your own cache though. Generally speaking FG like any web server is limited by the amount of up bandwidth the server has. Most non commercial Internet accounts don't have the up bandwidth to really share "beautiful high resolution maps" in a timely manner. He should really just pre-load them during a break if he can. If they are too large to preload during a break then he should consider making the files smaller. Dropping the image colors from millions to 256 is not noticeable on most displays and will make the image a lot smaller.