View Full Version : Feature Request: Kick Player

January 1st, 2011, 20:55
We had it previously, but not now.

When players crash they don't always log out at the server, so they can't re-enter when they sort out their crash. If the GM could kick them it would save a lot of time

January 2nd, 2011, 11:44
We had it previously, but not now.

When players crash they don't always log out at the server, so they can't re-enter when they sort out their crash. If the GM could kick them it would save a lot of time

Yes I have to admit this is the most missed feature...

January 2nd, 2011, 11:54
Yes I have to admit this is the most missed feature...

Is this something coded into rulesets ? Or built into the "core" product ?

If it's a ruleset thing, I'm sure I can knock something quick and dirty up for savage...

January 2nd, 2011, 12:37
I believe current FG API doesn't provide anything to handle kicking out in ruleset code, so it must have been core built-in feature.

January 2nd, 2011, 12:38
(stupid quick buttons)... and yes, this is THE feature that I am also missing quite a lot!

January 5th, 2011, 12:37
Agreed... when someone crashes it ends up breaking the game for a short time while we wait for their character to time out, or clear the characters and relogin with a different user. Kicking would make everything go much smoother. Desperately wanted feature!!

January 5th, 2011, 12:44
Looks like Savage Worlds WAS setup once upon to support this : https://thumbnails34.imagebam.com/11381/6275b0113809298.jpg (https://www.imagebam.com/image/6275b0113809298)

If it was ever implemented, no idea. But yeah, looks like a core API change would be required.

January 5th, 2011, 13:09
I suspect this is something to do with the FGII code. The feature was in FG1, but was not brought over in to FG2

Moon Wizard
January 5th, 2011, 19:50
Yes, a core API change is required, which is why I think it was removed some time back by the original developers. I assume that the character list at the top of the screen used to be managed in the client, instead of in the ruleset like it is now.

It's slated for the v2.8 release.


January 5th, 2011, 20:26
It's slated for the v2.8 release.

Good to hear :)

Blue Haven
January 6th, 2011, 14:46
Yupi!!! the kick button again ;)

March 8th, 2011, 20:57
Uggh, can't wait for this feature as I've been having disconnect issues all of a sudden. Sucks when it's right in middle of a key moment then i can't get back in for 10 mins.

March 9th, 2011, 00:42
This was an issue again tonight with one player having a couple of disconnects and not being able to join straight away :( *points to laz above*

March 9th, 2011, 06:02
Yes, a core API change is required, which is why I think it was removed some time back by the original developers. I assume that the character list at the top of the screen used to be managed in the client, instead of in the ruleset like it is now.

It's slated for the v2.8 release.


Any idea of when thats going to happen? Like... Days? Weeks? Months? ... gulp .... Years? ... Please don't tell us years.

March 10th, 2011, 12:13
Thi is really starting to sour my enjoyment of FG, another session, same issues :(

March 11th, 2011, 01:03
My players have learnt to log in as a different player name to get in (e.g. Ben or Ben2) in the case where the player name is locked out. Then I have to release the character to allow the new player name to take it.

But this is a workaround, and causes confusion. So yeah, +1 for the fix as soon as it's playable.

March 11th, 2011, 01:15
I tried to log in under a new name but i get the liscense key conflict issue. So how exactly are they doing that?

March 11th, 2011, 01:23
Ah - I have an Ultimate license, and they are all unlicensed. So it probably only works in this particular case.

March 11th, 2011, 09:07
I tried to log in under a new name but i get the liscense key conflict issue. So how exactly are they doing that?

Yeah it does as their old session is still connected and thus the license key is in use, so the new session is a "bad" session.

Ultimate/unlicensed does seem to work though.

March 11th, 2011, 19:29
I think there's a work around. The GM can free up the character of the player in the character list by clearing the owner. Then the player (who has connected using another nickname) can use their character again. Won't work for the license key conflict though.

March 11th, 2011, 19:40
I'm sure I tried clearing owner before and it didn't work. I think this is because the Character was still showing selected in the portrait bar?

Moon Wizard
March 13th, 2011, 00:53
The kick feature is slated for v2.8.

Most of the features are ready in v2.8, but I'm looking at updating some of the network code to improve connection stability. The updated 3.5E ruleset will also be part of that release, and is almost ready for testing.


March 13th, 2011, 01:05
Awesome news mate!!!!! I'm excited. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Thanks for all your diligent work.

March 13th, 2011, 09:18
...and is almost ready for testing...
Can't wait! :D

March 14th, 2011, 15:04
The other work-around - which I used successfully in my game last night - is for the DM to shut down FG, then restart it and get everyone to log in again. This doesn't take much time, and as all token, map and combat tracker information is saved, it's pretty easy to get going again.

March 15th, 2011, 15:25
Yes, but none of these things help much if you have a player that just cant get along well with others. Sometimes you need the ability to kick a player because he/she is flooding your chat with unneeded dice rolls, sometimes you just get that bad apple that thinks distracting the game is being cute, and since I dont have an internet shotgun to shoot them in the face, we need a kick option..... and preferably a ban option as well that will stop them from logging back in.

March 15th, 2011, 23:00
I'd say the bigger problem is being able to clear orpahned identities caused by players dropping and the server not realising this for some minutes.

It just so happens the Kick option would enable this.

FGII is quite a niche community, so unlike bigger online gaming areas, I suspect the size of the community limits the number of idiots due to reduced anonymity, and the fact that most games played are regular ongoing campaigns, not one-shot style.

For now, "Kick" would get rid of idiots, and a quick change of server alias (shared with the other players) would act as an effective Ban. Unless people are seeing this problem often and see a real need for a "Ban" option ?

March 15th, 2011, 23:21
I'd say the bigger problem is being able to clear orpahned identities caused by players dropping and the server not realising this for some minutes.

It just so happens the Kick option would enable this.

FGII is quite a niche community, so unlike bigger online gaming areas, I suspect the size of the community limits the number of idiots due to reduced anonymity, and the fact that most games played are regular ongoing campaigns, not one-shot style.

For now, "Kick" would get rid of idiots, and a quick change of server alias (shared with the other players) would act as an effective Ban. Unless people are seeing this problem often and see a real need for a "Ban" option ?

To deal with an *unwanted* player. I found changing the alias not to be enough (the savvy player simply re-connected via my external IP). In the end I bounced the server and then forced a new password. The player never bothered us again after that. :)

March 16th, 2011, 00:33
I'd say the bigger problem is being able to clear orpahned identities caused by players dropping and the server not realising this for some minutes.

It just so happens the Kick option would enable this.

FGII is quite a niche community, so unlike bigger online gaming areas, I suspect the size of the community limits the number of idiots due to reduced anonymity, and the fact that most games played are regular ongoing campaigns, not one-shot style.

For now, "Kick" would get rid of idiots, and a quick change of server alias (shared with the other players) would act as an effective Ban. Unless people are seeing this problem often and see a real need for a "Ban" option ?

I run a lot of open games, in an effort to help keep the community alive, and I can assure you there are more than a few idiots running around. Most of them think they are being cute or funny. But it just serves to put me off from running open invitation games.

March 16th, 2011, 00:50
For the first time today I wanted to kick a player, for reasons other than connection issues.... :(

All I want in game is common curtesy, if you say you're going to make it but don't turn up explain why.... Don't just turn up at the next session (with no apologies for missing the session and without even confirming on the calendar) and expect me to welcome you with open arms...

And when questioned don't make a wise arse quip :mad:

March 16th, 2011, 07:30
Ok, clearly the great anonymity problem (https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/3/19/) plagues even Fantasy Grounds :(

Could cause friction with the push for more open demos to new players, and probably not helped with the Ultimate license - at least before players would need a lite license, meaning they'd at least invested SOME money into this endeavour, so probably less likely to rock up and be a wise arse; guess we'll be needing a full "kick", and possibly "ban", after all...

March 27th, 2011, 01:08
The kick feature is slated for v2.8.

Most of the features are ready in v2.8, but I'm looking at updating some of the network code to improve connection stability. The updated 3.5E ruleset will also be part of that release, and is almost ready for testing.


Will it work if the player doesn't have a PC selected? Had it happen today with laz (again, he must be a jinx! ;) ), however he didn't have a PC selected, so I wouldn't have been able to right click his portrait... :confused: