View Full Version : My FG2 Testimonial

December 14th, 2010, 17:28
I recently purchased the Ultimate license for FG2. Over the last couple of weeks I've hosted a few test and 2 full sessions using the DnD 4e ruleset. I must say that this software is AWESOME. I haven't experience any crashes (client or server) yet. I'm hosting a session with 5 players and things have run very smoothly so far.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Three of my players are connecting to me from the same home network. There were NO issues having this many clients connect from one location. I posted a question about this in the forums earlier.

I think that the app has the correct mix of handling things for you and letting the players/DM decide for the fun factor. One of my favorites, for example, would be automatic save rolls for ongoing effects to mobs. All DM's know that there's is so much going on during a session. Then you add the FG2 interface, it can be daunting. Overall I'm very impressed. I would give it a 9 out of 10.

To be honest, there are 2 reasons I went with FG2 instead of Maptool, etc... One is Tenian's 4e Parser. Combining this with my DDI subscription is a win/win. Second is Xorne's video tutorials. Having it in a video where I can stop, rewind, fast forward was VERY helpful. So major props to Tenian and Xorne!

Now on to why I didn't give it a 10 out of 10. Having to enter the data manually for the characters was a bit much. I know that there use to be a DDI>FG2 converter but due to WotC's recent changes with the character builder I understand there isn't much that can be done, yet.

Aside from lots of manual data entry for the characters it's been a great ride. We use TeamSpeak for voice communication. That really makes you feel like your "connected" to the group instead of chat. That's a personal thing but noteworthy in my opinion. I look forward to exploring more options in the app. I'll end this review with a question.

Since I purchased a license is there a support line/email address I can use for questions or is the forum the only place to go?

December 14th, 2010, 18:06
Since I purchased a license is there a support line/email address I can use for questions or is the forum the only place to go?

[email protected]