View Full Version : Voting Options Module

December 9th, 2010, 15:14
Because I wanted something slightly more informative then FG's default voting option (it's hard to tell if clicking that circle means they want to go left or right...), I whipped up a couple of graphics for my game.

They're rather simple (I did them all in an hour), but I figured they might help out when groups needed to take a vote on something. I also threw in some of the old Intermission images I made in the past.

I've compiled them into a module in case anyone else finds them useful. If you find any problems let me know.

The module can be found here (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/Modules/Voting-Options.mod).

Direct links to the images used:
Directions1 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Directions1-Marble.png)
Multiple Choice 1 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/MultipleChoice1-Marble.png)
Yes/No 1 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Yes-No1-Marble.png)
Intermission 1 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Intermission1-Marble.png)
Intermission 2 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Intermission2-Movies.png)
Intermission 3 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Intermission3-Fantasy.png)
Intermission 4 (https://boxofgeeks.net/~mrh/FantasyGrounds/images/Intermission4-WW2.png)

December 10th, 2010, 01:10
Love it - will try putting in into practice next session.

For directions, we just had people moving their tokens on the map. But an "official break" and "Yes / no" board is very good.

The default voting tool doesn't seem to let you know who has ticked and who hasn't, I noted ? Is this a known limitation ? Or just in the Savage Worlds ruleset ?

December 10th, 2010, 06:17
Once they allowed a player to have more than one character a while back they decided to allow a player one vote. Since then you can't tell who voted. Prior to then votes were in character order at the top left.

December 10th, 2010, 17:17
Prior to then votes were in character order at the top left.

Ya know, I never knew that...

Anyhow, I just realized I never posted on HOW to use these. I simply move all the player tokens into the center/blank area. Then have the PC's move them to where they vote.

December 10th, 2010, 17:37
Thanks, will definitely be trying this. I often use /v back? for bio breaks, however if a couple of players keep chatting the vote soon gets lost.

December 10th, 2010, 22:57
Once they allowed a player to have more than one character a while back they decided to allow a player one vote. Since then you can't tell who voted. Prior to then votes were in character order at the top left.

Ah ! I thought it used to line up somehow :)

December 15th, 2010, 19:06
Used this yesterday, was very well received! :)
