View Full Version : DropBox

December 8th, 2010, 19:15
Those of you using FG2 to build modules, especially large modules, you have to push to your players, I strongly recommend DropBox. It's a small, free, brilliant little piece of software that automatically synchs a shared folder across all your computers and devices, including iPads and iPhones, and lets you share folders with others.

So I have all my 4E modules in a shared dropbox folder and all my players just grab the data. It all happens automatically in the background. No need to manually push anything.

I don't work for these guys, I get nothing out of this recommendation, I just think it's a little miracle. :D It's like FTP for normal people.

December 9th, 2010, 07:03
Thanks for pointing this out :)

December 9th, 2010, 10:12
Our group uses DropBox extensively for a number of things, not the least of which is the dissemination of campaign material - handouts and pics and so on that you don't want/can't have in FG2 (or any other VTT). I used to maintain a minisite for my campaign on Obsidian Portal but now I use DropBox instead and things are so much easier.

So, highly recommended.

December 9th, 2010, 10:44
I have used DropBox in the past however opted to move away from it as I wanted to create a portal for my groups such that they had a centralised community focal point for all our games.

I now use WordPress to host a secure web based portal which includes:

Blogs for Campaign Logs (including handouts etc), ongoing development of FGII 4E and extensions and Group wide News
a Forum where we can converse and share ideas/feedback and general non-play topics.
a software repository containing .exe's for modules/extensions and other useful bits and pieces. I use an NSIS scripted installer to make it easier for my players to install everything they need.
Event Calendar - where I can propose game sessions and players can highlight attendance/non-attendance
Useful links to Wizards and Smiteworks website material
Private version of the DDI Compendium and Classic Character Builder Tools

It took me one evening to setup the site, WP is dead easy to use, and aside from campaign management duties, it typically runs itself.

A bit more involved than a DropBox solution granted, but the added features of WP make it very much worthwhile.

December 9th, 2010, 12:11
I have used DropBox in the past however opted to move away from it as I wanted to create a portal for my groups such that they had a centralised community focal point for all our games.

I now use WordPress to host a secure web based portal which includes:

Blogs for Campaign Logs (including handouts etc), ongoing development of FGII 4E and extensions and Group wide News
a Forum where we can converse and share ideas/feedback and general non-play topics.
a software repository containing .exe's for modules/extensions and other useful bits and pieces. I use an NSIS scripted installer to make it easier for my players to install everything they need.
Event Calendar - where I can propose game sessions and players can highlight attendance/non-attendance
Useful links to Wizards and Smiteworks website material
Private version of the DDI Compendium and Classic Character Builder Tools

It took me one evening to setup the site, WP is dead easy to use, and aside from campaign management duties, it typically runs itself.

A bit more involved than a DropBox solution granted, but the added features of WP make it very much worthwhile.
I recently started using Epic Word to do all that, works really well.

December 9th, 2010, 14:03
I recently started using Epic Word to do all that, works really well.

Whatever works for you well, I say, is a good thing. ;)

For me personally I found the online portals like Epic World and Obsidian Portal to be a bit too restrictive in terms of rich media support and features.
I think one of them (cant recall which one) also charges for extended features etc.

Since I guess, I am a bit of a Geek in nature, I decided to create my own. It was a fun way of learning and progressing my knowledge of WP, Java and Javascript and more importantly I had more control over the setup, look and feel. However I accept its not the best option for everyone.

December 10th, 2010, 09:53
I found that my players simply did not use forums and comments and the like. It was really just me on there. I mean, we play every week and keep in touch between sessions too, so it was not that communication was a problem, but I felt that all those bells and whistles were very much not needed.

Like you say, find what works for you.

December 10th, 2010, 19:18
This used to be true for me too but since moving to an Ultimate license my player groups have exploded :D - at present I have over 35 players spread across groups of between 4 and 6 players.

I find the portal now to be a neccessity, just too many people to keep in the loop.

December 29th, 2010, 13:29
I now use WordPress to host a secure web based portal which includes:

Blogs for Campaign Logs (including handouts etc), ongoing development of FGII 4E and extensions and Group wide News
a Forum where we can converse and share ideas/feedback and general non-play topics.
a software repository containing .exe's for modules/extensions and other useful bits and pieces. I use an NSIS scripted installer to make it easier for my players to install everything they need.
Event Calendar - where I can propose game sessions and players can highlight attendance/non-attendance
Useful links to Wizards and Smiteworks website material
Private version of the DDI Compendium and Classic Character Builder Tools

What is an NSIS scripted installer? Your setup sounds nice. I know you did a lot of programming yourself, but what stuff are you using for this that ordinary humans can access?

December 30th, 2010, 11:07
What is an NSIS scripted installer? Your setup sounds nice. I know you did a lot of programming yourself, but what stuff are you using for this that ordinary humans can access?

For the WordPress site I use off the shelf components, the standard WP and MySQL packages for Linux. WordPress integrates a plugin management system that enables you to expand your site with new functionality. You simply browse, select and activate the plugins you require, configure them to your preferences and sit back and watch WP do the rest. More information on WordPress here (https://wordpress.org/).

I use NSIS (https://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page) and the HM NIS Editor/IDE here (https://hmne.sourceforge.net/) for creating my installer packages. I was originally introduced and converted to NSIS by Joshua and Drakhar here in this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9166&highlight=NSIS), you might find it a useful reference.

As for other tools I use, see here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13464).

December 30th, 2010, 13:05
For the WordPress site I use off the shelf components, the standard WP and MySQL packages for Linux. WordPress integrates a plugin management system that enables you to expand your site with new functionality. You simply browse, select and activate the plugins you require, configure them to your preferences and sit back and watch WP do the rest. More information on WordPress here (https://wordpress.org/).

Also if you don't want to have to fight with setting up your own Wordpress server, you can go to wordpress.com and through them you can host a wordpress site for free. There are extra services you can get by paying extra money, but from a functional standpoint you get access to a lot within the free account as well.

December 31st, 2010, 05:10
Thanks. All very useful stuff.

December 31st, 2010, 05:24
I was originally introduced and converted to NSIS by Joshua and Drakhar here in this thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9166&highlight=NSIS), you might find it a useful reference.

(blush)Hopefully you didn't notice my two posts in that thread (and it wasn't even a year ago).

December 31st, 2010, 09:40
(blush)Hopefully you didn't notice my two posts in that thread (and it wasn't even a year ago).

Lol, no I missed that. Thats quite funny.