View Full Version : Absolute new DnD player looking for advice

December 6th, 2010, 22:30
Hello all,

On and off for about five years i've been interested in DnD. Roleplaying has always appealed to me, and the group aspect sounded like fun. Awhile back I bought 3.5e when it was still in its prime, but never found a group. The books got lost, and I gave up.

Currently, some friends ivited me to join them in their DnD campaign. From what i've heard though, its pretty much based on the Eragon series, and i'd like to try something a bit more traditional, or at least ran by people who have been doing this for awhile. I also purchased the 4e Starter Red Box the other day, and went through creating a character through the unique single player starter event. (Which happened to be TEN times easier compared to pouring over the PHB for 3.5e. Then again, I was also somewhere between 10-13. XD)

So my question is this, is FG a decent alternative to finding a group to play with, is there a group thats willing to teach me, and can I take what I learn into a real tabletop setting?

I appreciate yall reading through this, and any replies you may have.


December 7th, 2010, 03:36
So my question is this, is FG a decent alternative to finding a group to play with, is there a group thats willing to teach me, and can I take what I learn into a real tabletop setting?

FG is a good way to play 4E. As it simulates the table top used in a face to face game you can take what you learned in a face to face environment and use it in FG. There is also some addition learning on how to use the 4E ruleset.

I think if you find a group that is starting at 1st level they won't usually have a problem with a new player. You can get an idea on how many 4E games are starting by looking in the Guild Hall and 4E forums. Go back a few weeks or a month an see home many games have started to get an idea on how hard it is to find a group.

If you have more questions just ask.