View Full Version : Modules and Tokens

December 4th, 2010, 02:56
I'm trying to make a Master Module for the Pokémon Tabletop Beta ruleset that I'm working on. It'll have ~652 tokens and all the base stats, locations and such for the critters so GMs don't have to make all the entries themselves.

The issue is, with that many Tokens, I don't actually want them to load on the Player's side until and unless the DM decides to introduce them. Is there anyway to set a module and drag all those tokens into it after linking them to the Pokémon (NPC) entries without them all showing up in the Token folder for everyone?

On that same note, which selections must I make when exporting the Module so that the DM has access and the PCs will see what s/he right-clicks to share the entry (if ever). [I know I'd need to export Personalities and drag the Tokens over.]

Do the Players need the Module as well? If they do, what's the commands you need to set as GM to ensure they can't just browse the whole Module on their end?

Hopefully, I'm clearer than mud there, if not quite crystal clear. :o

Any help is appreciated since, with that many Tokens and no ability to just load a folder into a Module when you export it, I don't want to have to continually drag in the Tokens each time I have to try a new option.

December 4th, 2010, 15:38
I've done something like this with the WotC D&D minis (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12165).

Basically, you'll want to create your module first. This is a matter of having all the minis in a location and adding a "definition.xml" and a "thumnail.png" if required. Then rename the zip file as a .mod.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root version="1.0">
<name>[Module Name]</name>
<author>[your name here]</author>

It may be helpful to separate your minitures by "sets" so you do not have to load a master module with a ton o minis each time. This depends on how many sets you would be using at one time. A master one may not be a bad idea if you use all of them.

Next, you'll need to associate each of the minis to the new module. As a shortcut, you may be able to link up one and then go through and do a mass find/replace in your text editor.

December 4th, 2010, 15:43
Now that I'm thinking about it, this may be another option.

Depending on how your ruleset is set up, it may have the option to "import" personalities from another ruleset. To help organize, you may want to create all your pokemon into the appropriate set (red, blue, crystal, pearl, etc [yes, I played the gameboy games at one time]) in a module as Personalities. Then, when you want to use a pokemon, you drag it into the "Personalities" of the overall ruleset from the module.

I believe that the 4e ruleset has this functionality, but don't know about others.

December 4th, 2010, 18:17
I believe that the 4e ruleset has this functionality, but don't know about others.
That's good, because that's the basis for the code I'm working on.

And that would stop any issues with the clients attempting to load all the tokens?

December 4th, 2010, 19:06
And that would stop any issues with the clients attempting to load all the tokens?
I'm not sure about the image, but the reference "card" (if you will) will be native to the campaign.

I know that I've had modules open and used tokens from the module. Upon closing, the image was still available but I don't know if it was available the next time FG was loaded.

December 5th, 2010, 00:04
And in FG II, do the players require the module first to stop unwanted waiting while it uploads, or, since only certain portions would be shared, does only the GM need that?

December 5th, 2010, 13:51
I don't understand the question. Modules can be turned on and off, but the can be done after the players join the game. Loading a module shouldn't take very long.

You can also set them to force load. So, for example, if you know that a person needs X module, you can force load it which I am guessing would be when they sign into the game session.

December 5th, 2010, 14:07
You're on the right track there. Perhaps I'm not making myself clear.

I want the Players to have access to the information when I decide to present it, but I want them to have absolutely no access to information on Pok&#233;mon that they have yet to see or scan with their device (as per the rules, actually). Do I forceload it so that they can see the data I right-click to share? Do I put the big red X to stop them from being able to use it, or do I use the third option (green check, I believe?) to allow that?

And to any of those options change depending on if the DM + Players/clients have the module in their module folder, or just the DM?

(If I'm still not clear here, I'll muddle around with my guinea pig. You've been exceedingly helpful with your replies so far, especially the suggestion for the tokens, which I will try to see if the associations remain if I simply edit the text file.)

December 5th, 2010, 15:33
I think we're on the same page now. You want the users to have their own Pokedex while you maintain a catelog of all monsters and distribute them as they obtain them.

Well, here's the way I see Pokemon. Essentially, they're weapons or items. You come along and find one, add it to your backpack, and use it when you see fit.

Now, I'm not sure how you're working your ruleset (I believe I saw a thread that you're trying to build one to fit your needs), but I would probably take this from the aspect of Pokemon = Items. If you create a module with your Pokemon in it as weapons, you'll be able to add them to an Inventory page as you see fit (click and drag). This limits the other players to only use what they have in their inventory. Using the module will reduce initial load times and you can open the modules as you get the game going.

In the 4e ruleset, you have the option to "Identify" as well. So, you could use the Pokedex/Inventory as a way of saying "You saw this monster" and select the "Identify" to allow them to use it.

The only problem I can see is that Pokemon have multiple powers. I don't remember if they only have one per "stage" or if they have multiple up front (I think this is the case). But, it may work with the 4e ruleset if you can add multiple powers to a weapon.

December 5th, 2010, 15:40
Oh, that's a new way to look at it. I had them as Personalities and was struggling with how exactly I would have a team linked to NPC Trainers/Gym Leaders/etc. I'll just need to tweak the Item entries to include a checkmark for Pok&#233;mon, in that case. I'll need to look into it.

Basically, I want the GM to have access to all the information for all the Pok&#233;mon, but not have the critters visible to the Players unless the GM shares. I think that solution may work.

Thanks again for the feedback. If I hit any snags, I'll post back here. [Though it may be a week or more before I can properly fiddle with the code.] :)

December 5th, 2010, 15:49
I did test it with a magic item and it worked fine. Multiple powers per item when Identified, otherwise just basic info.

Good luck!