View Full Version : [Savage Worlds] War of the Dead Sunday Evenings

November 21st, 2010, 16:38
After returning from hiatus, our SWEX WotD game is down a couple players and we are in need of some fresh recruits. For those unfamiliar, WotD is a Zombie Apocalypse game that is being serialized in 52 weekly installments. We've only played the first 5 sessions, so you haven't missed much and now is a great time to jump in.

Game time is 6:30pm EST Sundays and we wrap by 10:00pm. PM me if you are interested.

November 23rd, 2010, 00:16
Come on! Tell me you dont want to play a rpg where you have to survive in a zombie apocalypse after watching the Walking Dead! It's a fun game with an easy and fun rules system with a dedicated GM who comes prepared. You're gonna have fun.

December 13th, 2010, 02:36
War of the Dead resume on January 9th. Join us for some good surviving fun!

December 13th, 2010, 06:14
I'm free on Sundays and i love zombie campaigns. If you need another still, i'm gamed.

December 13th, 2010, 14:09
Did see this before, but now I'm on Australian EST, that's Sunday morning for me - so quite do-able.

But not sure I'd be able to commit to a 52 session campaign though; does this mean your hoping to play weekly ? I've got weddings and holidays coming up in Feb / March, and wouldn't want to be an "semi-occasional player" in a big campaign, if your after something more.

December 14th, 2010, 00:27
No commitment necessary. We travel with a group of survivors so if you can't make it one week, your character becomes part of the background.

December 14th, 2010, 02:26
No commitment necessary. We travel with a group of survivors so if you can't make it one week, your character becomes part of the background.

Ah no, hold on, timezone fail. 6:30pm would indeed be 10:30am here. But 10:30am on Monday morning (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2011&month=1&day=9&hour=23&min=0&sec=0&p1=179&p2=152).

All said, I don't have a job lined up yet for the new year, so could probably make any January sessions. But it's almost certain I wouldn't make anything after mid-Feb at that time slot.

If the GM (mac40K ?) would be happy with me joining in as a 2-4 session long "guest star" then I'd love to join in. Haven't seen TWD yet (no spoliers !!!) but I've read the first dozen or so comics - truly awesome stuff. I also love the whole Zombpocolypse genre (Romero, 28 Days and in boardgames both awesome and not-so-awesome).

Let me know (PM or reply here) and I'll mark the 9th Jan (actually the 10th my end) into the diary. Oh, and if someone could click that link above and double-check I've got my timezones right, that would be good too ! Am expecting to play 10:30am to 2pm my end, which is Australian EST confusingly enough, or UTC +11.


December 15th, 2010, 16:14
im free too on sunday so you can count on me im really interested for playing waiting for response tnx in advance :)

William Wisner
January 3rd, 2011, 02:56
Is this game still looking for players? Central Time Zone and time slots look great to me.


January 5th, 2011, 15:43
I'd love to play! Are you using Skype or just chat/text? I'm new to the Savage Worlds rules and I picked the rule book up a few weeks ago. Are there still slots open for players? Thanks!

January 5th, 2011, 16:11
We are resuming play after the holiday hiatus this coming Sunday (1/9) at 6:30pm EST. We use Skype for voice in addition to FG2. If you are still interested, please jump over to the Roleplayer Anonymous boards at https://stormofchaos.lefora.com/ and check out the WotD subforum. There you'll find session summaries and more importantly, character creation guidelines.

January 7th, 2011, 23:40
We are resuming play after the holiday hiatus this coming Sunday (1/9) at 6:30pm EST. We use Skype for voice in addition to FG2. If you are still interested, please jump over to the Roleplayer Anonymous boards at https://stormofchaos.lefora.com/ and check out the WotD subforum. There you'll find session summaries and more importantly, character creation guidelines.

Have signed up to the forums - still only able to make a few session though, so let me know if I should roll up or not. Don't want to get in the way of a more regular player joining :cool: