View Full Version : Combat Tracker/Chat Window question

November 15th, 2010, 22:18
How do I allow players to see in the chat window whose turn it is regardless of whether it's a PC acting or an NPC/monster?

I wonder if someone can help me with this. I modified my C&C ruleset to do this, but the new version of the CT, (which is based on the 4e version I believe), doesn't.

I've looked for the original thread where I first saw how to do this, but can't find it now. It involved going into one of the scripts and deleting a line or two. This flagged the turn of all CT creatures, not just PCs.

I want my players to know when it's an opponent's turn.

Thank you.

November 15th, 2010, 22:32
I believe the change is in the combattracker_entry script.

Apparently, if you remove the and charactertype == "pc" from the section below, it flags all combat participants.

Surprised I couldn't find this anywhere. I'll try it out tomorrow.

-- Activity state

function isActive()
return active.getState();

function setActive(state)

if state and charactertype == "pc" then
-- Turn notification
local msg = {};
msg.text = name.getValue();
msg.font = "narratorfont";
msg.icon = "indicator_flag";


local usernode = link.getTargetDatabaseNode()
if usernode then

November 15th, 2010, 22:34
if you click the check box between the reach and the friend or foe symbols.
the monster will become visible in the players combat tracker.

This also means that when it is that monsters turn, their turn is also flagged in the chat window.
