View Full Version : 2.7.2 - Maximized window and changing focus

October 31st, 2010, 21:51
Issue: if FG is maximized and then you select another window to change mouse focus, the fantasy grounds window is unselectable. User can no longer input data into the maximized FG. "Restore Window" on FG, and getting FG to run in a window restores full functionality

Reproduced: On personal machine and player's

FG Version: 2.7.2 Ultimate (4E ruleset)
Windows Vista 64

Workaround: Run FG in windowed mode

November 1st, 2010, 13:23
Pretty sure I had this issue with 2.6.5 as well. Shame if it's still present though, thought I'd seen a line about windowing trouble fixes in the release notes

November 1st, 2010, 13:48
Did Alt Tabbing not previously work?

November 1st, 2010, 19:23
If you Alt-Tab to get back to a maximized Fantasy Grounds windows you are then able to click in and input data. It's just not possible to directly click in window to regain focus.


Hye Roler
November 1st, 2010, 19:52
I've noticed this as well and honestly would prefer not to have to alt-tab to regain focus, but not sure how high on the priority list this should be. More an annoyance than anything.

Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2010, 20:26
Believe me, this is an annoyance for me as well, and I've spent hours on this one. Unfortunately, there is some weird quirk of Windows while using windowed DirectX that is causing the issue.

It's not high priority, but it is one of those issues that bothers me since it should be simple but it's not. I'll be poking at it over time to see if I can unravel the issue.
