View Full Version : Question concerning the effect DMG

October 25th, 2010, 21:24
I have a question concerning how the DMG effect is applied. This is for FG version 2.7.2 and the 4E ruleset. I have a player who is using a sorceror with the Lightning Strike at-will power and the feat Focusing Spellfury from Arcane Power. The feat says you add +2 damage to ranged and melee powers until the end of your next turn if you hit 2 or more targets with an at-will power. So I entered the power and it created an effect - DMG: 2 ranged melee - and it is set for Self All and End N. So he clicks the effect when he hits 2 or more targets with one of his at-will powers so that on his next attack he will get the bonus.

The problem is that some of his powers have a fixed damage component. For example Lightning Strike hits a primary target for 1d8 + Cha damage and a secondary for Dex damage. As expected the +2 damage from the effect is added to the 1d8 + Cha damage roll but it does not get added to fixed Dex damage done to the secondary target. My question is if this is working as intended or is this a bug with Fantasy Grounds not adding the effect to a fixed damage amount? I tested this and it does this for any character who does a fixed non random amount of damage. Any dmg: # effect is not added to the fixed amount. Is this perhaps because the fixed damage is not a "roll" per say? Am I playing 4e wrong and should not be adding the bonus damage from the feat to his secondary target?

I would appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this for me. Thanks.

Moon Wizard
October 25th, 2010, 22:29
Damage bonuses are specifically not applied to fixed damage, but only to damage "rolls".

When I originally researched this approach for the Fighter Cleave and similar abilities, that was the answer I found on the Wizards forums.


October 26th, 2010, 01:35
Thank you very much for your answer. It appears my group was improperly applying bonuses in our games. Anyways please keep up the great work. I really enjoy the program and look forward to more in the future. Thanks.