View Full Version : char portrait token resizing exalted

October 25th, 2010, 18:07
i am using the exalted ruleset, and just like some other people before me, i am having problems with the char portraits being 32x32 when i drag them onto a map as opposed to my tokens which are 64x64. I attempted to follow some previous explanations on how to resolve this issue, but was unable to. i am not sure if this is because of an error on my part, or because the exalted ruleset is different and needs a different answer to the problem.

If anyone could please help me solve this problem i would be very much appreciated.

October 25th, 2010, 18:46
Well this is hipshot advice with a boomstick, but I believe you can handle your issue in two ways. Either in "programming" way or in GUI-way. In programming way you need to resize your portrait_token.png and portrait_token_mask.png icons to be 64x64 pixels. If you're using these old 32x32 portrait icons somewhere else in the ruleset then it will be resized to bigger one also. You can however, create new portraitset definitions to solve this possible issue, but I won't explain how to do that, unless you want.

The GUI-way to handle the issue is to resize player character's portraits on the map manually. You can resize tokens individually by having them in the combat tracker first, then you need to drag them to your map from the combat tracker and thereafter you can scroll the same token on the combat tracket, and vo'la your individual token gets resized!

Sorry if I am either wrong or not being too clear. I am very sleepy at the moment :P

Moon Wizard
October 25th, 2010, 19:25
The other option is to save a copy of the portrait file in the shared tokens folder on the host machine, then use the image from the token box instead of grabbing from the top portrait.


October 25th, 2010, 19:58
where do i find portrait_token.png and portrait_token_mask.png? I have been searching and am still very new at any programing etc. i have all the exalted unzipped and available, but cannot locate either of these two setting to adjust.

October 25th, 2010, 20:20
those images can be found inside the /icons folder of exalted ruleset. You need to resize their "physical" size to 64x64, and doing that you need some sort of image editor.

October 25th, 2010, 20:22
i found everything finally, feel like a real idiot. thanks for you help everyone