View Full Version : Any Ozzie players?

October 25th, 2010, 17:23
looking to join a group of players in australian timezones.

October 29th, 2010, 02:17
Here is a link to the thread where im trying to organize a GMT +8 friendly game.


October 29th, 2010, 15:48
Whats pathfinder like?

October 29th, 2010, 16:27
I'm moving out to Australia in about a month, so might be in for some games around that timezone then.

Currently focused on Savage Worlds (and Deadlands, as I'm authoring the ruleset for that). But not limited to that by any means.

Will keep an eye out.

October 29th, 2010, 17:33
So that's three of us. All we need is a GM.

October 29th, 2010, 17:37
I'm moving out to Australia in about a month, so might be in for some games around that timezone then.

Currently focused on Savage Worlds (and Deadlands, as I'm authoring the ruleset for that). But not limited to that by any means.

Will keep an eye out.
Maybe we can play test dead lands if you want to gm it?

November 1st, 2010, 13:30
So no Ozzie players?

November 1st, 2010, 18:32
Just throwing it out there guys if you end up doing games on any weekday nights I am GMT +0 with midweek free, so if anything comes up where you play early afternoons or even a really late start I could partake as it would roll around. Very familiar with 3.5, not so much with Pathfinder but had good reviews and willing to try.

November 1st, 2010, 23:27
Just throwing it out there guys if you end up doing games on any weekday nights I am GMT +0 with midweek free, so if anything comes up where you play early afternoons or even a really late start I could partake as it would roll around. Very familiar with 3.5, not so much with Pathfinder but had good reviews and willing to try.
We are looking at an 8pm start which would make it your 12 noon. Are you willing to gm or play at this time?