View Full Version : Looking for 4E (PST)

October 7th, 2010, 00:42
I recently got this program (ultimate $$$ :P) to run my game that I had previously used on MapTools. I'm glad I found this site.

One thing I miss out on being a DM is of course playing a character. So I'd like to try and find a D&D 4E game through here. Prefer PST zone but since I have a large free time around evenings I can manage others. Mondays are tricky though as I usually do a lot of work on that day.

Also I'd prefer a game that doesn't have too many players. I think 5 or 6 is as high as any can go without just dragging on forever through battles and challenges. When I was first introduced to the system I tested it at a local game store with 7 or 8 other players and most of time I just doodled til I could act. Granted, everyone was learning as we were going but most had already played there a few days before me.

Random story, I admit.
So yeah. 4E. PST. Please and thank you :)