View Full Version : Stuck at 2.6.3

October 1st, 2010, 02:05
Hey guys,

I am helping a friend get started on FGII. I went to update his FGII to 2.7.1 via the test mode ( because that is what the DM is using ). During the update I put it back on release and when i finished updating I clicked "Done" it gave me an error message and would not reopen FGII. I first tried to put it back on test mode and it brought up a different test mode tool option. The first time i used it to put it in test mode, I had three options, "Release, Test, Developer" when this new test mode tool version came up i only had "release and test" and when i clicked test, it would depress for a second and instantly switch back to release. So next I uninstalled it and reinstalled and it installed at version 2.6.3 and when i click update it brings up the updater and then immediately says, "done" and it is still at version 2.6.3. The test mode tool is still only showing me only the "test and release" options and his FGII is stuck at 2.6.3 I have uninstalled and deleted the FG folder from roaming data and I have even used a different file path while reinstalling and nothing seem to be working if anyone could help I would great appreciate it. He is a new player and I'd love to bring him into the wonderful world of FGII. Thanks in advance for all the help.

October 1st, 2010, 02:22
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure the player has a legitimate copy of FG? As well, some people do seem to have trouble updating to a non release version of FG the first time during installation. So make sure the testmode manager is set to release during installation.

Also it's important the dashes in the key was input. If you have done all that I would write [email protected] and tell them the license key and explain your problem.

October 1st, 2010, 02:24
Yes, he is using my version. When i bought FGII forever and a day ago i actually bought 1 full and 4 lites and he is using one of mine. SO i know its good. I'll let them know thanks for the resposne.